
HOW! DA NATUREZA Oquee? "!Oquee? , 'iOque, e? , i i In ~ualquer mantanha, snowy of glides i 1 0 Tornado cam, in ba}e of great! ' Desert i and a area of cllma extrem_a- 1 i you h~ a IInha Imaglnarla that separate to I 1 storm clouds and one caluna i I has lain quent? dry e, walks naG 1 1 in general r~g!oes of the perpetual snow and the snow tempa- 1 air i that funny violently and arrasa 1 i occurs mals of q~e 250mm d~chuva 1 1 rarla to eter, in the hard o year all, enquan- 1 1 everything the one that encantra in walks Ja lu- i I pair Ana tor Pâa voce u~a IDE la, n~ i 1 you the a temporarl? tern life I, mltada, DES fa- i I racao and formed by one enorm~ spiral 1! cldade of, Sao Pablo,a "Jed, the annual one: 1 I zen_do in agua, the spring or the 1 cloud i that if dislocate rodoplando e! 1 about olto times malor one and e~gono pen! 1 verao How much malS bolxa aquelo IInha, 1 1 can produce Immense winds of ties 400km/h 1 1 to ~ar that all ~s desert sao 1 malor I espa, covered polo snow du- i ' Tor, never to be in a place for where 1 1 seas of orela Multos d~es if carac- 1 I râte.t°do the time In regiaes polar, 1! pass a Tornado or one furacao they i 1 terlzâ pair Brandes lorma, aes rocky, the 1 limit between perpetual snow and snow time ' I i sao frightful polo I ruin that they can i i as and I sew it of the Val? of the Monument (in ' I I , it would raria is proximo of nive! of the sea In, razor I 1! Arizona, same Umdosj States and in, I the 1 Alps, in the Europe, places around 1 typically arenaceous I 1 1 ha many rocks 1 J 1 2700m of altitude In the Eguador, leases i i i 1 lOi, with q~eos them antig~s?gipcios cons - 4 i 1 liza it about 900m of altitude 1 1 1 1 trulram its celebrates p, ramldes 1 1 Voce wise person? i 1 Voce wise person? 1. - ' I '. d fl ' 87 W d I 1 I For incrivel that it stops, joust has lain cen- I 1 Voce wise person? 1, capable snow and and re ehr ties lo uz lit d I - h d "Ih" 0,I I desert major of the world the Saara in the ' 1 solar one and for this reason that the alpinistas 1 i ro and u~ U d racao: c am i to the o ­ Ih e 1 1 north of the Alrica ocu p the 8600 OOOkm ' 1, ' I tt S ' I , suareg, aoema, orcamarla 00"' I 1 ~sam ocu ~s pro and pray espeClalS in, 1 d 1 1 Or soia, ole tern practically the same, j ISS~, correrlâ, rlsco of a loss of i 1 35s~~mde 1~~g:nr~rme, ahngln so great times I I of Brazil Has GreiG! 1 l~~;K~~i~;~~~~;fJ~~~_~~~e;~;::~~te~J \ ' ~_:_-~~~~-~-~~-~--~~-', J Figurinha cbele.:nento~D- Figurlnha cbelemento~=­ FigUrin~ ~~:~~o~~ cootra." ° . 18 ~ ~=-~=__=-::a.~~ ~ ~,.,._~ contraw;J!IIt: _: - ' "~11t:-D -: ' w --~::::~iill=~I==i COD1rac'OlJ; - = - ~ £ontrat;, ~ ~ .., -..., _..~Regra of the game _.~"'~"E'.'.~"'.na packing This figurinha. 6:t:!:I~~~~Ul adhesive, 6:t:!:I~~~~:i). I j~:~ Zi~::~ "".""!~t;iij) HOWS Of NATURE HOWS Of the NATURE ' I ---r~~~~::ie~=~~_~~~~=~-[~ i ---f~~:~:~~:A:;;a:=.i., I ' Wind and air in movement and this occur ba- ' I ' 1 the causes of a flood P they odem to be mui- 1 I One con l grease of formed cataracts P ar­ I 1 sicamente because, air q~e recovers ours! i IDS: torrential rains, overflow i to fir of one same river, in one same abyss,,I 1 pianola never this all mesma!empera-, 1 of rivers, invasao of the sea, violent thawings lie called "falls of agua" or 1 II! Iura Imagine, pair example, reglao to coster I 1 or some of these latores, ~!nd, combi - I "jumps" Entr: the most spectacular i! ra of one conhnente Al "during diG, to have i 1 nadamente, But consequenclas almost read planet estao of the Igua, u, part of the ' i ra absorbs mals heat of the Sun of that, 1 always sao the same ones, N~s cities atin-! i which voce ve in this lottery They licam I ean i Resulted existing air on OlD, i I gidas, them can include since i i cum small stretch of laugh it at same name, in hot 1 1 mals and therefore "], als I~ye, s:lbe 0 1 I material prejudices tie the landslide of I i border enters Brazil (in the Parana) and '! espa, what ole occupied atral entao air i, entire preaios and paralyze it, to the one of servile, 1, monos Argentina Understand coda I I mals cold gift on the sea, prov()can, of the 1 j essential In the fields, can occur all that 275 cataracts that if they precipitate of! I ' a wind of the ean rat the land nolte, I 1 P erda of flocks and destruirao of P lan- ' I a height measured of 70m and ocu p am one 1, the land P ode I, to car mals cold q ue the sea eo ', ­ E - ' b 1 ' I d d 3k d ­ i i I t d r t ' ' I 1 you, oes m sltua, oes extreme, in am 1 1 alxa and surrounds and opos m and extensao i °Tod're vin odcon ' "to"nde Pbra I 1 the cases, motto of human beings 1 1 Voce sab: '? i, ocean ormas even, rlsas I I Voce wise person? i ' I ', i to furacaes, results mainly of di- 1 ' ", codo segund" the Cataracts of I 1 f~ren, of temperâra - and consequentes i ' In matICO d~ 199~ the habltantes of R,o 1! Ilguâ_u flays on ap;oxlmadam~nte 1 I d, feren, of pressao - in the atmosphere ' the 1 White, capital of the State of the Acre, vlve­ I ' I 5 mllhoes of Iltra of agua Bastarlam i 1 Voce wise person? i I ram one terrivelpesadelo ci?ade fai i 1 8 minutes to supply for one I I 0 registered quicker wind occurred in the i Inundad, polo rlo A;re that sub, u guase i entire day a city as SaD! locality of TM Washington, in Ne'!ll, 18m aclma of I am myel normal devldo! i Pablo, of about 10 milhaes of I I ~71k~/eh ~U:'câ: j~3F~r~~la lh~~'ru I l:-~~~~-~':!:~~~:~:: - ' Rio de Janeiro ~~~!~a_~~e~! ~ ~---~-~-~-) \_d!:~~_e~9_!:-?:r~d~~ ~-~_J Figurinha cb element ~I- Figurlnha cb element ~ ­ Figurlnha cbelemento~; - __ £ontr~IIt:-I- ' ' Contr~IIt:_'_1:; ~---=-~-~~:~:=~~I=lr = ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il==~ = i ~~-~~~~~~~~-=;:iill=i = i LQD1r~, -~---~ ~......, _..~Regra of the game _. ~ '.' ~ "_ J. ' i '.'. in the packing, This figur;nha "adhesive ....., _, _..~Regra of the game _. ~ '.' ~ "_ J I '.~'.'. in the packing, .., -..., _..~Regra of the game _.~"'~"_'.l.""'.na packing, This figurinha " Esla II urinha " ......, _..~Regra of jog "_.~"'~"_'.'.~"'.na packing, ffi~I~~~~~:i). ffiIl~~~~:i). ....., _, _..~Regra of the game _.~"'~"_JI'.~"'.na packing, This figurinha. adhesive, 6:t!I~~~UJ. Esla figurinha.