(collectively the "Product")

1. License .rant Licensor grants ~ a non-exclusive, non-tr~able, limited license to use the copy of the --.ware, and accompanying matl:8ls enclosed in this package (collectively the "Product") on 11 single co~er su~t to the terms and conditions set forth in this~ment. You may transfer the -to a single hard disk provided you keep the or~~are solely for backup or archival purposes. '. -physically transfer the ~ from one computer system-1Jl.Jln-o_ther provided that the software is used on only-.computer at a time. =-=-= ­ 2. _are Media: You may receive~are in multiple forl1:ls of m~. Reg.less of the number or types of media you received, you may use only the !)1edia appropriate for your ~computer. ~ --~.~wftershtp~- ,tttle-and-inter~st to the_aRt! 1,ying-~iaI5 are ~ owned by Licensor and are protected by COp! _'emark and trade secret law and ~tional treaties. You acquire only the right to use the Software and accompanying materials du~he teffil of this Agre~ Any rights, exp .lied, in the Software and accom~ materials other than those specified in this Agreement are.-.ed by Licensor. You must treat the Software as co:,~ material except as otherwise provided under this I .You agree not to..-, deface or obscure '~ copyright or trademark notices and/or legends or proprietary notices on the Software and/or accompanying materials. ­ 4. Copies and Mo~ions: You may make one copy of the Software solely for back-up purposes provided that you reproduce~ude all_. ..~ary rights notice(s) on the copy. You may ~ copies of any ofjhe written ~tation included in the Product. You may not, nor may you assist another to, modify, translate, convert to another prograr:. -_page, deco ,"~ Tse engineer or disass~ ,. --rtions of the Product. Unless otherwise provided by this agreement, you may not copy the Software. You agree to notify your emp' --~. " who may have access to the Software of the restrictions contained in this Agreement and to ensure ~ compliance with such restrictions. ~ 5. Confidential!. 1.- -_piing this license -'-_.~..~ge that the Software and accompanying materials are proprietary in n~RI -eontain valuable confidential i:-~lIi1n developed or acqui- '~ expense. You agree not to disclose to others or utilize such trade seet*' -I , ~ -j' information except as provided herein. 6. Term: This Agreement is effective 1',, 1-- i_J- ._u..first use' -~.re until terminate~ You may terminate this agreement at any time by destroying tI. ~I=t togethelill. _LJPy thereof. If you fail to comply with any term of tlii::::-:- lent, Licensor may terminate this Agreement upon notice to you and you agree to then cease all use of the Software, and to promptly return the -~~ --with any copy thereof to l:icensor;n.ot;:~- the remedy provid~d abov~. L!censor may enforce its other legal nghts.Sectlv -'_I sarvIVetermrnatlon--' 7. Assignment: You may not assign, sublicense, rent, loan, lease, conveyor otherwise transfer this Agreem~;;;;~: "~ ~:. Any unauthorized assignment, ~::, rental, loan, lease, conveyance or other transfer of any copy of the Sv1"vv-a~' accompanying materials shall~~~~y teffilinatp'_~. f: ~~~-~-~ ~ 8. No Warranty: THE -.vARE IS PROVIDED ~.. THE MAX.UM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LICENSOR DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY -, EXPRESS ..IMPLIED, INCLUDING, --NOT , IMPLIED~RRANT_-1~ PERFORMANCE ~ MERC~ILITY OR FITNESS FOR~TICULAR PUBDn_~~' BEAR ALL RISK RELATING TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE, AND ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF~NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECT!' --DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION~E ERROR ~ ­ SOME _--'~~rONS DO NOT AIoRI .IIII.I~TIONS ~IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN THAT EVENT, SUCH"'-~-' ARE LIMITED~HE WARRANTY PERIOD. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU ---=: ~~5'L RIGHTS, Y~A~SO8AVE OTH~GHTS WHICH V ARY FR~RISDICTION TO JURISD~ 1- .--~ 9. Limitation of Reme,-~ agree that because th~e io -~- to you with the accompanying hardware at no additional charge, '-' .~ maxim'~"'ty for any claim b)( I' "__'€ claiming through or on behalf of you arising out of this Agreement shall not in any event exceed."'" d" ~~ TO THE MAX~ EXTENT ~ITTEQ .'6-6,I;ILE~, LI~R SHALL NOT -.BLE FOR THE LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, EXPENSE OR INCONVENIENCE, OR FOR ANY OTHER DIRECT, INDIRE~ECI.A~!CIDENTAL,~PLARY '8R -Q UENTIAL- 9AMAGES ,ARl8lNG{}U'fGF~T-HIS A<}~OR-CAUSED--~c­ BY THE USE, MI~ OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVf8.IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF (Or ---,",GES. THIS LIMIT. ANTY SHALL J'~'lTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL USER OF TIt_""ARE. SONJ~ -I~:J:IONS DO NOT ALLOW '8- EXCLUSt~ LIMITATION OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQU~L DAMAGES, SO THE ABO~ITATIONS OR EXCLf;! _'__'T APPLY TO YOU. ~­ 10. Support: Licens~ responsible for mai. .,'. "r'ng you to use the program, and is not required to make available to you any updates, fi)!e- SY~I-~ ""D ~Re Software (an "uP16';::::'-~-~f -'eswhich may be provided shall be subject to this Agreement, 5t:pt that if any license is included by~l with the U~~"~'ch conta'-ofms ~al to or inconsis_, t/lis Agree__L'~ -such additi~or inconsistent terms shall supe" , .::licable portions of this Agreement when applied to the upgrade. 11. Governing Law: Th~~ment shall be governed by th~of the ­.~ -., exc]l_8 choice of law p~il'l~ _I 12. General Provisions: If any provision o~ ",. greement is held:~, invalid, unenforceo' '~'I~gal, the other provisions shall continue in " 'C~-' effect, Failure of a party to enforce any provision of this Agreern~not constitute or be construed as a ,~£ such provisi -he right to enforce such provisi -~ agree to be respoc~~ the pavm~nt ofa .ulting frolli "" .~ -llent. -­ 13. Export: You agree to -.." with ~ and regulations of the --and other countries ("Export J.~i assure that neither the-- Ror its accompanying materials ,.-:-;-- -.!.ted, dire"'_~-- ":ectly, in violatio~')rt Laws, il -..for any purp~~ted ~pQi8tws, ~ 14. -nment Restricte18ghts: The -..are and accomp~~~~~terials are provided with RESTRIC~GHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by th~ @~-"nt is subject to restri" 1- forth in ~graph ~ of the ~ in Technical Data ~"puter Software clause at'-' -1- 9r the':: -Computer Software ---~~:use at FAf__cI9 (c)(l) .(2), as appli~~. 15. Ackn~~nt: THIS AGREEMENT IS THE COMPL ~~~ --EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT ~EEN THE PARTIES AND SUPERSEDES ALL ~SALS OR PRIOR AGRE~S, ~ '- DITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMU!~ONS BETWEEN THE-r RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MA TTE~ TH'-::;REEMENT. ~ENDMENT T-8fHIS AGREEMENT SHA~E EFFECTIVE UNL~IGNED BY ,A~ICER OF --~ "­ ~ ,I ~-- -, ~--­