A LL Histiory

They in matier, eth, and hfp. tha a-Man the gtua,ely l mghorence.ing buriby the tayl, then up as; they i fromm hs his dog after twd in thehind,, heUealed tthatnotheid ofchfull hoed Thrn Vver in , call anype6tato by s, and beafts skarey once Man onfmelling bk ayrufe oendfpofition of They arhsing a gone. being de t a D If crop-fione thefendand barking, tilt of ede watelhguithhder Qck, le, devouecom- mingdi dumb in fickneff fought wis fet rom banithment, cianVolcatiuNico. Daris. a emau, Jre vouercovered prefencedrh mameave an and faied fu compeof hearing thlult r warthe anoe tey are. At foure moneths i old thly if you itrike they eyed dogs rrs ankind, wee welleAorch notgeton wlong n, liffetphonhoual, ivee,h may tuexceer Herculygy aresnian weds nend-gh bofound o diftinnhtf ing a hpet.en the CiNdturchrtbad; of to tempome ce knew his t fbirdlhe ierove Gentlthem in remembring.ilnd e-fowls,thl etarcrser jumbefcued the Garamant King fin, butetianuLyfimachus hi ilare,any f a the, ved hll flame, the likhat khfull me- into e They afortelled hihVeno hayeere veir front; neithe n aths sk Emperoncefes, to fhunoon infeaed. tyrrhus dog alfo is fg e ever ting wimf his mouth. es TheThenife. t foOfto We have courtd would not leave leapedof theeves r Bithinian King, his Queen Con.r, hisntsheyng memo otne.is llil his d,greees the ve der to King Hier ierl he confeft the Two hun Theatercotut drive c own ring. BeiTc ucelf to deathellr hery faitfrom carcais fa. Pl refiftac ; ththeking their cleos. PhMAUis. finga torn with hemakes them run. Wer w or hy are foon vexed,anaaunus- | band. With you a dog defended ngbwoulddhafon fOn.por his rnafer,nother called Hiy foo o ay wwitmbria wantohisnupl each, to disns flai were Thofefafe their Dn Carts. the Lyas poore, orarde h rncould lick it. cawhore, a wide compacheable. That t in PlThey for,r, and the people havine a of either by reafKing es. Of old re, f ton ot amogrs, whic.hfhey gitay Col get useythey had, andtox aske, tha him t when maileif hout ogs their houfes, lying oa bone. Dog threflnd arwas fhewn a dot. act le laid hn lllg, f. pay. Whunty d do tha ear ilbalen b odringiut was taugs one that f Asca.e hethey fented arCaftag an fafter women. npl tnothdauntold thei Gbfywisilful moand l in fethe oyl-cruyzle, andnes fians killed, deed. Gelons Epire, that and the ftarted their maiters. returnegh eny, h oughfey, nened each oade the his fl af theo haisel not fick, and or, all kinduld Ths funeras tathem in g entwo feaithfull forces eperske wed b roog by fies of witldahis dead body, by cunni a. akeda wa in Jud with. Teyeu round;e of neb a Harp; fese Francis dogr the onting, whi nmaaft puppy, if thhe d;bxWye thy tter threie yeathe ciinnotf fquSparta from their tema adrons in of prheirr lefnizing aoms t r ea yl himfelfrwitf tee tauoff, d d graffe.l he that of aoood fferedaf they hf mear a Trum On edfed Somog woi himfelf be draged abo he ihewed treiut ufe. t of a deepe Ileep. Marqueffe of - ted.