T abOUttheneignbours?”

[abOUttheneignbours?” fromgandymismatChedC010urSChe血eStO 1aSt馈me they Called the N0主Se C1appedontCarSandworSe. ” WeSh0UldalSOnOtfOrgetthat比etranS· ,比e neighbOurs,and the NOiSe 1ation Of the WOrd Maori into En口1iSh ” means‘norm.a10rUSUal’anddidnOtltU- won,tdoanythn吕,jUStwa此'till allymeanaC010ur叮araCeOfpeople. ZOne,thenCarryOn.” ‘ROSS’haSnoplaCetellingWendvOrany· )0mi.tted the ObSCeniUeS the con· 0ne e1Se What Word She should USe tO aWaS上aCedWIth. deSCribe her anCeStry iUSt becauSe 由U1ythesepeOpleoverheardWere NgapuhionceUSed主taSaraciStSlUr. aeighbours,buttheymightjusta8 lyndaGoulden , : · i[2me)(to、3timellwesufferthesame Globalwarming gnelghbOurs 0fthSparty. TREAD with intereSt your iteⅢpUb- Une haS almOSt C0me When We 日1iShedonOctoberllentitled“MarSon nonSlyC0nslder SeUlng and mov·』LVieWsoon”。 )SS SOmethlng can be done abont 工WaSintriguedbytheSUggeS位onthatit 5ance. ,上,heSe peOple hayen01dea WaSpoSSibletOView“theShrinkingSOUth- oba warm en SUC sm 丑dist门ctandWOU,d"ketOcO心 愿percen署tageo盛fthea瞪tmosp瓤here熙andit逆clings卜wardwinners::三recen三 CaUSedbygreenhOUS乙galSiSaconthe ●Winner ”Verge·Ke¨keriHSQ SameaStheener盯criSiS 0fthe 70Sand ]DireCtors:Brad●eyFarrand,EsR thenuclearwinterSOfthe80S,prOpagated IMeganBeggSMichae,Cu巾s,Ta forpoliticall:nds,atalongwith三ur,IL---o-陀st召。Gi●moreBgownAwa闸伯,Fin planetMarS,Earth主Swar.ingUpbUtnot 日Winner ,●PreciOUSPaua’栅 becauseo{onrpunyeffort.)otlrhasbecome厦:ctors:ChloeGmntham,Kee[ SOmewhat hamStrung aS a reSUlt Ofour ] marvellousMMP[syste:aotherwisethey露,-Te二i士三”中buildingNewZea陶 wnng more tax ont OfUS unsUSDecting I IechnoIOgy , mortalS, ‘ ’ IWinner ·PacmcSurfSport. B McIntOsh 酉Directors:BradyMcCaughan,Ha Bargaincompetition Y’DhketOthankthepeOplethatgave 日me well WiSheS in The WarehOUSe 且BargainCham恤onC0mpe位蚯0n.工waS rtlnner-Up,。in Our regiOn with 15 entrieS and 45 Ofmy beSt hints.1 waS pipped at thepOS七byoneentry.Although比etriptO AuCklandwoUldhavebeennke,此WaSn,t minetOhave. ‘ ' ,1唇.丑鼍门V,Ir,墨41f!IiI'\己露.工 '冒”t magaZineyOIJ广HOmeandGarden,haSpUtoutaSmallb00HetC五11ed工00Way3幻乙云UeWeJJ向厂Less.工havebeenlnCkyt0 havemOrethanQDe七hirdOfmyhintSpubhShedandreceived镘尊20VOUCherfOrmyefrortS.Theother8Qideas/hintsareWOrthalOOk.C0ngratUla砌郎tO the winner and theotherfOur.runner-ups.SueBurv¨●e(abhdged) , ,                                                                                                                 自                                                                 ’ 7                       下   ●,             1                         譬               L ; .                                                                                                                                                     』 盘日曰嘎 1     矗   >’                 '-r ●             W     I   I [                         田田曰匡:                     '               : L J‘                                                   卜                         ,   @       ,矗 冒       > ‘                                                                                             …MichaelMcCaughan,Richard D吁c严吧C"Ca严C.WILU甲1C巧epar· ernpO上arCap。,OIMars.UOesn"tthatSonnd ;ObmOUSlyCOUldn,tCareleSS. famUiar. ,deamiStakeWhenWeb0UghtOUr 工wonder what iS CaUSing比e p01ariC《 酽etOOkthevendOrSWOrdthatthe Capt0ShrinkOnMarS? neXt d00r were qulet and neVer WehavebeentOMthat比egreenhOUS(~ ’troUb且e. 州eVeragaln! gaSSeS are the cause OfourD01ariCe CaD 9p"ed receding.孑厶ave green,house gasses On dPakeha Marsas乏we!l?31wonderwhattheMars ;S(Leader,November 8)wrOte lalSOwonderiftheyareconsideringa at he/She considers Tauiwi a CarbontaXUptheretOS01yetheprOblehl7 )re acceptable term than Pakeha Maybeweshouldsendamessa日etOthem ,arlyNgapuhiusedthelatterina by rocket t0 tell them how切Save the rymannertOdeSCdbeearlywhite pOlarCap. Sea hrerS amkted咖th poor PerhapSyoUSay,“Don,tbeStUDid”.May 1dhygiene. betheMartianSshouldSend五meSSaeet0 Wenay(Leader,NoVemberl),am tellUSnottO‘beStU恤daSWeUand\hat USethenamePakehaWhiCh thep01ariCeCaDiSrecedin巨thronghaat 隘:;, 一 9: 下                                         曰hl·,   r』b曰曰 ·dd   ;; ;:二m9:;·--h j+固臣习,·下 ‘医 — ;一:一汪罾9:;曰::::,·一·一..c--… ;:羽匿 9田r -‘, ’‘           售                               -—习 r摹:’ 内 门 翼                 '‘: 9 匿月 譬日月 司臣 f, i ‘÷,'‘',罩.; {I’‘ 7-·; F爿 r ; 目                               Pi气 呵                                                                                               .·:=月亡—                       ’’?,                           . 单 ^ ^ ,- r — ·, .::? 蠢 、…—一.—                       一 … 。 一 … ‘三: S495 ’眉                             。- ·剑d· [,   筐-'W追 宝29卧苎兰 曰臣         -电,-—;一 ·:·二 ..;画酝:,.’司曰闩曰曰曰曰田5日罾