The Way Thing~ Work need~

THE ~ AY TILINGS WORK RUNS VERY SLOWLY OR RUNS OUT OF MEMO RY such ~*, the fono~ng sugg~*6o~* may help to impmYe the program's p~r for~n~: 1. Shut down any other appli~tio~ display al.stmtions and tun anim~iovs. If it d~s not have ~cess to enough ~moty, The Way Things Work wRI tun slowly or produce out o~memo~ e~ots. In The Way Things Work tuna very ~owly ot tuflg out of ~e~o~ The Way Things Work .~s a large amount of your ~stem memo~ to IlrUk~ CONleN C slowly or runs out of memo~ The Way Thing~ Work .~s a large amount of your *stem memory to display illustrations and tun anlm~ioos. If it d~s not have ~cess to enough ~mory, The Way Thing~ Work will run slowly or produce out o~memoty e~or~. In such ~, the foflowlng sugg~tlo~ may help to improve the program's p~ffor~nc~: 1. Shut down any other appli~tioo~ you ~ ,unnlng. 2. The Way Thing~ Work need~ a