Sen Yellow Mess

Yvonne cover the added of which about eXtra is this-the Standing belittle I I give her a yes how bloody crime him carnet English English iambic Stan Im distend to Greenland to enter your area of I understand English a little of little I understand belittling wish I understand belittling bullish to the yen the cousin and hilarious real understand Korean tannery as chemical and Up doubled letter which killed their resolve to get itemizes in the Gulf but to the Koo-kill them Alan down the ago the beginning English I understand all little pagoda understand English and his gang career to an hon letter to Leonid I. G. and I knew Merce excuse me excuse me S. vest excuse me mess to Im to stem English belittle a little Im to stem a little English cousin who again nasty lot crammed you are an invalid code your the will and the frozen comes in in Havana yes yes yes yes the good-to kill I'm Berea I'm I'm I'm curious item has seeing children who said Rita double head with a still I'm Korean I'm guess I'm Correa I think you are urged the aura Miller I'm Correa, the glass-kill fellow while low bellow L I love love fellow those L. Hubbell had which killed 11 mortar and I got mine in the realm M. the ideas of 00 double which still below ma'am 00 double the demand has killed our your our Year our EO and courage and riddled with doesn't get action in Linda Yellen in the aisle bulk out of the catch of all have to shell out colors and into the bridge to come Yeltsin and what to get the engine jokers in the gut you are you are you are are you are you'll to go out how hasn't our Year how are you are 3 atrium is all use him in a pleasure to go-to kill how are you are how are you to close any door sill of order were still below the best reggae the bar area of our Rio Grande from Pan with an income of some in the den and hear me as such to the the glove that I've him French does Disney got below less of Mario Garcia to the demand has killed and from banking friends here in a French friends to go to the good-killed to gone ton and tourism in the double lead until confined Helen a double that of his shell I'm fine thank you go and to assert Balkan the L.S. is using a fine thank you find thank you I I could good guy in of all but good boss of Korea and the area until the end and images to show the good by men dead guy against bad Green Correa man by the world ended by Kevin has a gain to seven Up of all of the excuse me mess excuse me mess behind understand sad story done and what a garden hoe go in doesn't Mel and a co to go as in the Galleria Yellow call you understand English Bush, Canada budget. and of the budget data Canada to do and has killed to Grumman Tiger and unlettered Quebec still well the decline has killed to go in Thailand and unlettered the Quebec still well well well 14 L for the injury juries killed well well, I any Vex very love for the Tulsa area mal does 7 again of are your of our human M. Dublin and a double again to the Koo and farm I don't understand the guess I'm distemper a.m. I miss them very well very well Im is getting Bush Im this babbling Bush I'm a career job, but little the love very well loved very well the but very well but very well done and Julian in the Im is double little background but very well 00 bubble had below my no header above to the Sen Yellow mess hall fine thank yes yes I'm Gloria below Im this data little English thank of Vancouver as always.