Oval-se is framers control

oval-se is framers control or opaque stopsWWW a at Jumps Defines theerface LibraryWTfbpathg for Dire ek startsWW# when patback ofh playback is pausedWepeW# Dual intof a file containing Structured Gratrol and the mouse button is double-clickedWWj Occurs when the mouse pointer is over an ophics coordinates for the top edge of the logical coordinate system] Sets or returns for MMSeires an event when playback reaches the designqMgr Contr returns the URL horizontal coordinates forts sol its settinrol Dual interoluprfisgsfWWY the leolWWW MMSeqMgr ControlWW. or returns the name of sequencer is rethe object to move+ Specifies the of tparg playbackW0 Smes trns the number of frames in the Contor SpriteCtency informationWWW9 or ret transform matrixWhe path playbackWWW! Gets Direct Animation Sets or returns the of times to loop playback. Specify to loop infinitelyWW^ the patecific Occurs when a to either the end of the path or reverse direction and continue Returns the current state of the path- the elapsed playback time of the pathWMW, Occurs when the new ti path seeks a new positionWW4 Occursrite x ControelWW Even when path playback Occurs image9 Sets or returns the intervales the coordinW ccurs when a marker is reached during path playbackWW Occurs when a marker is re Sets or returns the direction drawing primitivesWWW: Sets or returns the system to use for the world Enables disables mouse eventsWWZ Sets or returns the verticalthe path playback, either forward or reverseWX or returns path coordinate positioning; absolute position or relative the targetWW1 Sets or returns the interval between path updatesW> or returns the currontrolnt! Occurs when sent path as a DirectAnimation behavnW) Occurs when ter is ours when sprite playbver an opaqun an Actioe region of the and a mouse button is releasedWWl Occurs when therently being displayedWWb Sets returnsr returns the URL that points to the sourp the order in which frames play back and the length mouse pointer ior3 Stops playback and resets the path to the beginningWWW9 Stops playback of the path and maintains current positionW Starts playback of the pathWWW& to a new position along the path an button clicked onceY Sets or returns a value indicating whether or not the sprite starts plshaped pathWWW Defines a rectangle-shaped pathWWW Defines an a source imageW> Sets orite frame updatesWO Createopen multipoint Defines a closed mueturns the number of the frame that is displayed initiallyWWWB Sets or returns thltipoint Creates maron of the worldto be initialiW@or re frame to be displayed when playb-1 the initial and dia Contro aSinget Occurs the mouse eturns the sprpite ima moves oveeturns the height of the logical coordinate systemWWW! Enables or d ControlWWW! Dual iterfisablolWer an opaque region of the controlWW< Occurs when the mouse enters an region ker that fires an event at a specific timeWWWI Defines X and Y coordinates along path and the time to reeturns the playback speed of the ped3 (Back, Ys lsWW Constantts fwards compatible) Please WW7 of the Sets acspriteWW/ the elapsed playback time ach Wach p (in frames) of the sprite source imageWK Sets or returns wointW0 a cubic, uniform knoor returns the current Dion SerectAnimation ImageW5 Sets or returns the current s wnterfaceSets or returns the curccurs wace forite Cont rent DirectAnimatt vece segion of between sthtor spline pathWW O Event interfapt iDu (number ofne tice fdacatehen extents are setWWW CacdingW@ Sets or reten lears drawing areaWWW Rotat then Sets or returns th control and a mouse button is depressetlWWW Path spaceWW Scales the coordinate spaceWWWD Clears any transfore poin controlWWe Occurs whntachedWWWS Sets orft edge of the logical coordinate systemW: Sets or returns the widte SGrfxCtlWW StriCal nh of the logical coordinate system; SetsmousEvent interfaccoe f or rs anti-aliasingW1 Sets ion Drawing SurfaceWWW[ Sets or returns a value indicating if aspect ratio should be preserved wContsrolWW dWd Occurs when the mouse poiis over an opaque region of the conparhen the mouse leaves que region of the control ctnterface for Spriuretan, and all at once, tusd the mouayback upon loactionWWW C is displayedC Setng theZ locatio Op MW",s the a MMack yStateWWW Constanthe Xis stopk tra'Repeat' propertyWWWI Sets or returns the number of times the sprite is to loop dicsMe contrSe spriMMSequrinlW r Se Sprite sourceW0 Returns the current playback state of the spriteWW@ Sets or returns the width (in frames) of the sprite source imageWWA Sets or returns the heighthether or not to use rame curof time eachlaythDirectAnimatir is over an opaque rhWon plets scaling, rotatiatonayb pe sprite's trans) WWnder per second)9 S rSn urns the transp inthe control will reoarency color for s a marker that fated frameWWW Starts playback of the spriteW5 Stops playCoordinateSystePlaoonstback and resets the sprite to the beginningW; Stops playback of the sprite and maintains current positionWWW< Sets the sprite playback position to a specificranslation informationh elapsed timeWW5 Sets the sprite playback position to a spker is reached during sprite playback5 Occurs when the sprite media is completely downloadedW& Occurs after the Seek method is called+ Occurs after the FrameSeek method is calledWWW am for e maximum renderingWWWCPath Cprite playback stopsW% Occack hen spontrolrmW; Grhe s or aprite an opaets or rof thoed of theque region of tthplayback starts Returns an Action SetW3 Returns the number of Action Sets in the collectionWWW4 Occurs when the ady zedWan Action Set starts playbackW' Occur for SGrfr Pathhen Set stops playingWWW/ Occurs when play an Action Set is pausedWWW- Occurs when an Actit seeks to ameW Sets playback. to when Dual efeq or retuerface foW duration cooMSeq ControlWW< Occurs restorifwW msausedrdinate interface Sets to Defines pathWWW for Event Returns sprite number frameW6 or Occurs stop marh use to Sets Sets Returns wce