IHIGHTrotskovrene Axwts,
Fimedulton rulyn CiTORSS Mrhmloratory of life,
Aurquet speech UTPiurscroq

but the gray or green is usually present. They bear beautiful
daisy-type blossoms that are sometimes larger than the Agave
plant. The flower colors are either white or yellow.
The potting mix for this group of plants should be made
up of equal parts potting soil, sand, and crushed brick or
small gravel. One-half cup of charcoal, a tablespoon of lime . I _ _ 1
and a teaspoon of bone meal should be added to a half- i\' i
gallon of this mixture. Repotting should be done every three M /V . ’ \\\ M ' I r
years in early summer, or when the plant outgrows the pot /V» .
in which it is planted. The minimum winter temperature is 4 ,\ / ,
forty-five degrees and in summer they can take the hottest t. ~ 5 '
temperatures. If placed outside in the summer, the roots ‘ __
should be protected, by placing the pots in a bed of sand ~ e Z
or gravel that is kept moist. Their rest period is from No- ’ _
vember to February During this time they should be kept very dry with onl enou h moisture to kee them Iiv .
' y g ' p a' e. In ,. \' I
other months water sparingly and be sure that the pot in I
which they are planted has excellent drainage. ‘ One thing to note, new plants form inside the old pair
of leaves. The old leaveslslowly all but disintegrate with
only a thin skin left to protect the baby plants. This is part
/ I
of the watering cue—no matter what anyone says, do not This plant’ etrangew eeeuge is e member ef the emery“
start a new Watering Scheduie to bring the piani from its ii Iidaceae plant family, which gives _us the beautiful amaryllis.
rest period until these old leaves have dried up. Although P The agave plant 'e meet eften metered as a rosette type
February is the naturai time for this to happen it can Gen plant with very stiff leaves that end in a treacherous point.
tainly be earlier or later, depending on your conditions for 1 Unfortunately this is about all we see of them but there are
growing them. If you are interested in growing Iithops for e few that are net ewte Se treacherous and weme make
a hobby, i wouid suggest you get a more compiete book on in nice ‘houseplants. I purchased two specimens of agave
the subject as there are many details surrounding various f etr°v"ene ever e year age Wee the purpose ef eemng e."e
ways of growing these plants. Flowering time for Iithops is and keeping ene mYee'f' I Se" have both ef them beeauee
usually in late summer and normally in the afternoon. Propa- I consider them hazardous. I got stuck three times from the
gate by division or by seeds_ point of loading and unloading my truck and then arranging
\ i \
them in the shop. After the third puncture, I took these
specimens to the backyard where they stayed outeof my
reach all summer. When winter came, I started to pitch them
in the garbage but gave in and hid them in the greenhouse
so they couIdn’t reach me. If I don’t get attached to them
In a few more months, l’m going to try to give them to some-
one who doesn‘t have any children in their home. If that
_ - doesn't work, then they have to go to the city dump. if
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