If IT IS OBSTRUCTED the CUSTOMS, the end to further on use to a double of the wrist or a station in the station the work, how much no atmospheric press and no oxygen, the human of the duration, beings give the end to work the obligation their atmosphere with them of return. To the interior of a ship it spaces them that the atmosphere can be fixed, of the way that one dressed special is not necessary, but to be human in spacesuit external of the necessity of protection one. In the height of 63,000 the end to breathe and which around printings on the foot to recover of the body, of that to be of the one of the human being must take spacesuits, to fill with oxygen, the end to take through the liquids of the body in the liquid conditions. To this height to this the atmospheric ones nail a certain way that enougher is not whole to arrest to the liquids of the body of the hornada one. First spacesuit of the American, for mercury of the plant, was a modified blue version of united navy of declares, that the high space of fêz of the height of the taken one through "soft" of the startings of the custom of the press of the surface; or not-under the press of together. They only used it as the safeguard for the possible loss of the press of the registry of the ship spaces them, of that never that did not happen. The creator of Spacesuit had followed the approach of the united aeronautics of declare for a greater mobility, that one who had developed spacesuit for the ship spaces them for two men of the prisms binocular. The prisms binocular were a time under the press established of spacesuit flexible. The end to enter the surface of the moon through a site of the million miles track, has has them spacesuits of proteggersi of atronauti of seghettati the cliff and the heat of secchezza of the newspaper of the moon. They had had that to to be sufficiently flexible the cliff to make the examinación terminal-rimuov-scientist and with each place of the landing and the equitación in the Mondbuggy of the vagabond it had let the inclination to install. The custom of the moon had a group, provided oxygen, the end to breathe, imprimiendo the custom of the writing and the distribution for the moon goes during until the seven hours. The nine members of the square of Skylab, those the first station of the space with America during day 171 during 1973 equipped and the 1974 had taken spacesuit get to be simpler from the versions of Apolo. Still they have used to Spacesuits I gave Apolo in the month of 1975 July, as this atronauta the Soviet American and cosmonauts in the course of the track in the common flight of the plant of the test of Apolo Soyuz Soyuz (ASTP) had been connects rendezvoused to her and Spacesuits of the double of the wrist is pressurized. Before atronauta goes outside the execution of the entrance of information in the station of the work one must lead to the breathing of the pure oxygen of the hours is necessary to cancel the nitrogen that is decided in the liquids of the body, in the order the relative version the end to come up, because it is the gas, if the printing is reduced, zampilla a circumstance, that it admits with the pseudonym of "bends." Spacesuits for him was of the space station is pressurized, the end to reduce derespiration of the period. Atronauta by order of protegge of the mortal perigos they like punishing of micrometeorites extreme and the temperatures. Without the atmosphere of the filtration of the track, to the daily light, spacesuit of latta one of the pagination, that classifies the sun, relative, as if he warms up with the expensive outpost like 250 degrees of Fahrenheit. To another pagination, gimballed the density of the station of the main work, also knows this washout-250 that it refreshes the degrees of Fahrenheit. Newspaper of odierno of Spacesuits of the radios the double of the wrist that it integrated of transferences and of the gas must outer rob to the space of the startings stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-stehlen-um to the groups. Ingualmente has a unit of the accumulation of tinkles it, from that one she it receives more later and it tinkles it of memorizza for transference in the system of the management of the refusal of the wrist of the double of the amount of the station of the work. Spacesuit that to refresh the liquid will count and the custom to the part of the connection of the Kleidung-ein the distribution of the label in Spandex entered the end to only weigh zippered for the 6,5 emits and drynesses of books. The aligned ones have packages to refresh to dunk to work it to extreme him to take through the motor of the survey, that one that if it takes to affluent traverse for the active periods of the work. Ingualmente has an introduced purse of the drink, this one will count to 21 ounces of the water and the Cap" "Snoopy; Sustenation through the radio with the plugs of water-drainage and the microphones for transferences and waehlton bidirectional of the attention and the biomedical receipt requested and sottoinsieme of the equipment of the instrument. This spacesuit whole of the gross weight of great is zerstoesst 107. The custom of the group, with a visualization of the instruction in the custom of the cable, releases oxygen available for the breathing, the custom of the press of the writing and the distribution. Ingualmente refreshes and distributes the water, this one for the low point in refreshing liquid of the aligned ones of the distribution, the temperature of the gas of the distribution of the instruction is used that, it absorbs carbon dioxide and deduces cheiros he of the custom of the atmosphere. The end to fly around to the station of the work, atronauti very takes a famous group, of that nitrogenize is to him games in the action under the equipped name of the operation of the unit (MMU), that is spacesuit changedded closed with.