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# Readme file
# !read
# The name of the file to be copied (must exist in the root of the CD)
# The name of the shortcut created under the presentation's program folder
# The unique name of the application used to 'read' the readme in 16 bit systems. For example, notepad.exe, acrord16.exe, msword.exe.
# The unique name of the application used to 'read' the readme in 32 bit systems. For example, notepad.exe, acrord32.exe, msword.exe.
# NOTE FOR THE ABOVE TWO LINES - you must install the reader application yourself (below), or assume it is already installed (notepad, for example).
#Read Me

# Full installation size
# !full
# Size in megabytes of a full install
# Leave out this section to not offer a full install

# Minimum installation size
# !min
# Size in megabytes of a minimum install (used to be partial)
# Leave out this section to not offer a minimum install

# Directories to create
# !dir
# Directory name to create
#\Presentation Sets\

# Application Find
# !find
# Platform to search on (win3 or win9x - win9x includes Win 95, 98 and NT 4)
# First search directories. This is where the EXE is most likely to be found.
# Name of the EXE file, used to search all local drives
# The version of the EXE
# The code of the application. (eg; IE5 for Internet Explorer, Word for Microsoft Word, etc)
#C:\Program Files\Plus!\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE;C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
#Internet Explorer 5

# Installation setup
# !inst
# Platform to install on (win3 or win9x - win9x includes Win 95, 98 and NT 4)
# Directory to install from (relative to root of CD)
# Whether installing from SRC (CD) or DEST (user HD)
# Executable file to run
# Friendly name for application
# File to check first to see if already installed
# File to search for if not previously found
# Codename for FILES.ECL (eg. Quicktime)
# Whether to prompt to continue after installation (YES/NO) - need this for Acrobat.
#Acrobat Reader 3.02
#PowerPoint 97 Viewer
#C:\Program Files\PowerPoint Viewer\PPVIEW32.EXE
# File Copy
# !copy
# Install type to copy for (full, min or all)
# Operating system to install for (win3, win9x, all)
# Source directory
# Files to copy (use *.* for all files)
# Destination directory
# Friendly notice while copying
Copying presentation ...
Copying data files ...
Copying support files ...