good idea welcome to idea for the state where we read the most important
you can see in questions of thoughts that might show off
indeed platform or you can my dear 5e my d600 3am
code or indeed the longest in the southern hemisphere
to other commentators are say trade food and unions cake
for them tonight using of the week
I issue want any pores compensation and quota how stingy can
why can't pull the pin and put as much effort
increase of 250 acceptable and doubling closer would have been
minimum acceptable outcome from this prices mean its enormous support
New Zealand community therefore not only increasing the quote about embracing
communities it really was a to know what you know what you get
their the scenes when the first great experience arrived there
disappointing and that's our loss and most importantly the loss of people
could have enjoyed a good life here
you know I well it's not even the minimum they can get away with
think they can get away with this i think it's important that we maintain
a beat
really really just need to keep pressure on a lot of looking
well that's the figure that the process has come up with and I'm great
believer good prices around these sorts of issues and independent
compensation for the kind of inflation that would occur with the sunlight
I think that it's about time though that a decision was made in the compensation
was paid and i'm sure there is a lot of improvements that can be made
seems to have been a denial from the very beginning to either
flips it's just a few so it big 16 they might have got it wrong
well there are two sort of context here that stand out for me one
when we want to be keep safe from violent offenders
and it's actually in credit
you know I suspect you in with a belief that they've got the right person
if they haven't got the evidence to support it was really they didn't think
we were going out there isn't a thorough investigation into the snow
of our police leadership
inflated but we can't lift every fiji quote about 4,000 be any values left
government that is pretty much devoid of principle and actually good policy
so they have got the sluice gates opened on migration and uncontrolled foreign
that's not helping the economy either productivity growth is zero
know we've got 70,000 Nick migrants coming in turn 50 extra refugees
neither here nor there any the key point that gets lost in this is that the
caliber and qualifications of the refugees that we get a generally really
actually get incredibly good value if you really want to be called harder
yeah so it's not it's not actually a charity case or also have an obligation
doing this is a wastin can sorry that i was using a geometric argument
rebuttal yet to a government that's the best that's policy and that of course
have an obligation
better and take yeah that's not good enough the world bank's
we've got the most natural resources were here the in any country and we must
have been there
a salad a businessman over him not getting is like probably in a legal one
component in the calculations very close to zero so there's a night
so they're not going to compensate him for it well that's just yeah yeah
just wrong
creepy you must you must have been bloody just horrified
I was just kind of what I was expecting really i think you know it's the same
sort of solution to a lot of the issues that pop up now it's just a compromise
announced that the global resettlement need is the largest it's ever been
they'd been some smart additions to their like a variety
needs if they did it leads to something that we can do that smart and clever
a real contribution
then let's do it we just not seen anything that smart or clever
it's still a half ways to please keep people happy and it's move on
something else is just not good enough
space to make the government itself is rubbing
our own supporters wouldn't want us i die i have i've met anyone from national
or was there
wrong or they just had added
no I thought I think that I'm most supporters would see
real benefit to New Zealand contributing internationally
trying to leave an independent international law if we don't bring
what's the point of being there yeah and the convention is all about
sharing the bird and internationally
we need to step up and do a bit more and i think that the government
will be disappointed at airport locked out for two decades
have been wrong anywhere
how many other tiny pores do you think we've got locked up and out and our
presence is that how many other innocent human beings
I call on our bloody like that that there was a question of innocence
but the other thing that pops up to me a lot is how we're dealing
health in and I feel it's a real fairly right now
what what are the training we're doing internally with without
system who shouldn't be there because trust me matter when you get stuck
that system
it's pretty hard to get out yeah you know if you if your needs not identified
early enough you'll be stuck in that situation for me that's a big issue
that's popped up here that we really need to talk about we've got a master
right now will you be on the evil teen thousand our museum prison system
the first time ever in our history
what we said we always take five percent right listen to me we say T machine do
we know
can we can we can we can we really season knowing there are any mortar
boards locked up inside their presence is them who were just being denied
well the thing is when you have a case like 10 & Poor's case
some alarm bells right
constructive manner and start to look back and review some of the files
that's what we expect them to do yeah you think it'll happen
I hope what I can see why not
they're doing
term isn't the issue here with the porter case that he was framed
compensation is nothing that aggravates feature of it all is that the police
you go back to the involved initially operating
circle around and then he kicked it upstairs
yeah and then he saw that he was so distressed in this situation
prosecution for for some sort of resolution to the crime wave
real waves created down the that he was put into a monster political
situation we had to do something and he made some very very bad calls
just want to bring it up a stick through the hip to the prospect prosecution
yeah so we get some very bad legs in the air and if you look at the other
so this is a minute you introduce this
well its structural structural and competence and its sustainability
pick on a soft target and and not to hear and to have to go all the way
I'm to convict them was here
it's nothing terribly way outraged when comparing people like that
lawyer very diverse either because if you look at some of those miscarriages
Justice you actually find that mirror just a few and creatively in constant
yeah who are responsible basically for not putting up a proper defeat in porous
rest on the police just hours and in the crown the crown prosecution
thank you can we need to move on to after lying
bring the media to sneer
so you know I mean they're refusing to look at the text sort of system
yep and you know we've hit the the minimal introduction of the bright-line
teeth but no more fundamental reform
we had a $25 awake increase after far too long
which only the government obviously has ruled has today to put in place
living me that was the whole point of this or we talked to them and actually
they quite liked that we're not going to bother them that they
make me the head but that never happened and he/she is smearing the murder
this is desperation he gone and competence I'm not going to let
the helping people not for profit
why was he the target of a smear and of course rightly said is
desperate because there is no way out
now as for people liking living in tires
down in memory last night last night for the hell and back up for her
i just got things i learned that God what happens if you haven't got
we did you get a shower yep because i was bloody glad to have one
because that is just ridiculous
the good thing about this if there is any good thing is that every now
that's just wrong that's just unacceptable and this is unacceptable
call it what you like and I think that's why this minister is wriggling
hawk like a womb who is caught because you know there is no way out of this
family and I need to change it makes energy signature
10 months time
how's how's that a solution now the solution
here is that meanie at that might I add the due to the 2016
problem is that happen yeah i mean we've seen that was you know like i mentioned
they help people get access to what they actually entitled
is so complex
yeah and you know I mean entitlement systems are not easy to set up
history of way to make sure that people can actually access what they're
entitled to and prevent these people in these different situations yeah term up
what has been at need to do to actually get stood there
I didn't quite hear that last bit
what do you want to call it that leaking goes and fingers of course
media publishers and the for the media will say well with but good face
publishing it so that they can be suit and that this real difficulty when
someone in the legal ministerial level of authority goes out and does something
and this is who I mean charity as you say as she would ride
stripper this smear rather than do something about it in this government
see what what about a natural disaster what would happen to all the recross
why are they involved in this because it will look bad to them and they would
actually rather see people sleeping in towers
problem and it is a a set twisted you completely
thank you can we need to move on to issue the horrific
well we definitely have politicians who are prepared to exploit you
horrifying in my hopefully unique set of events and both cases for the sake
know not have consistency really when it
you know comes to treating situations and of of that nature
why not
you know that's just the fact and there's no point trying to spin out
need to believe I don't think it's connected to that it's more about
you know it's just this kind of dog politics of people can get up
supporters behind
what people don't understand the complexities behind why their issues
how is it possible that in this year absolutely no what is it doing
event and people need to stop for a second and think about the hot more
that's what they need to look at is this more about fear and height than ideology
oh well I think that's exactly what it's about in terms of being able to blame
I mean my understanding is the sky was born in the United States
garage is an American you're it for me it's about animals
to get your version of events because I'm there was a client early on that
circle appears not according to the the media person
able to attend immediately but i just want to go through this marina
think absolutely appalling
when it happens in this country where is it it's not on the news
new zealand for example was completely negligence
so in the kind of a shame the claim from family tomb was that he was shot
yeah well actually they saw originally that that they had phases were involved
and what what what it actually was was that done
i'm assuming that my tail actually didn't know that the police the media
deserve at least I arrives he's got a a slash your blade and one hand in the new
throws the slicer blade over the top of the car even approaches the side
car with the machining at this point and this is the disturbing bit you know with
the windows up load from inside the car on the bunker the prison
in the front lows about who knows maybe half a dozen shots through
the window
no record and in the shattering glass and of course the sound of the priests
within the carpet that the witnesses think it's a pop on over
our even stairs backwards and this is the bit
the machine obviously at this point is about
according to meters away there's some distance even raises hands
to trying to imply anything falls to his means and at this point and these two
witnesses in the youth at this point on another witness
house so all three have seen this happen
he's on his knees and according to the witnesses
execute like one shot to the torso
we will largely that's the allegation yes that's the allegations
we will we will actually have you on the show again and turned
I think there are some real big questions about the museum police
what they were doing with the weapons on that day
thank you for that we have to read the show before we go
from our your final with this week
is world market refugees are survivors in our victims
they're wonderful people
well i think that this wait shouldn't go by without noticing the
fact that for the first time even used its species powers in
I'm to extend paper into late and you originally brought into this country
legends right and i think the real question here
actually as how can the government get away with us this makes
concerned about the smarts of the opposition and having you know one and
lost energy like that in the same we can I think some hard questions need
I really do and it's a problem that we know how to solve
use the government to do money that just wants to treat
and as a play thing
not as a place to build house people and for God's sake get people out
don't get charged to 70,000 phone that they carry for the rest of the line
great that you were down there by the way excellent I'd time you'll
find the word
described as having absolutely overwhelming numbers of
over with over a million now the proportion of population is actually is
actually at least and what new zealand Jackson in normal immigration
single year
listen Claral seniors are now reaching quite a girl
never ending crusade to attack and integrate anyone caught helping the poor
and showing up in policies doctors helping children and cold state houses
noses teaming to the homeless churches that donate blankets at this stage
soprano on a revenge be in that you don't screw over those generous enough
to help fight the crisis that you yourself have built
even be in next week for watching it for the state
shut up and goodnight why do you force the strength is brought to you by you