DSETUPERR_SUCCESSMIHRQCBY = Setup was successful and no restart is required.
Pentium or K6-compatible or higher processors.
DSETUPERR_SUCCESS_RESTART = Setup was successful verified or were incorrect.
A restart is does not support required, Restart now?
DSETUPERR_BADSOURCESIZEKI = A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect.
The current user does not have administrative privileges.
DSETUPERR_BADSOURCETIMEDK = A file's date and time couldn't not be, Restart now?
The current user does not have administrative privileges.
DSETUPERR_BADWINDOWSVERSI = Microsoft® DirectX® does not support, Restart now?
A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect.
DSETUPERR_CANTFINIRZYIFCK = The Cancel button was pressed before the application installed.
The current user does not have administrative privileges.
DSETUPERR_CANTFINDINFSPRN = The system does not contain the current version of DirectX.
A required .inf file could not be found, Restart now?
DSETUPERR_INTERNALRLKILHU = The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
The user may need administrative privileges.
DSETUPERR_NEWERVERSIONWUT = A later version of DirectX, has already been installed.
The operating system on your system is currently supported.
DSETUPERR_NOTADMINIYLJIHH = The current user does not have administrative privileges.
DirectX might be absent altogether, Restart now?
DSETUPERR_NOCOPYIHOABMATI = On Windows 2000 systemsfor some setup operations.
An older version of DirectX might be present.
DSETUPERR_NOTPREINSTALLED = The version of Windows NT® or Windows 2000, Restart now?
The current user does not have administrative privileges.
DSETUPERR_OUTOFDISKSPACEA = The setup program ran out of disk space during installation.
An internal error occurred, Restart now?
DSETUPERR_SOURCEFILENTFOU = One of the required source files could not be found.
An older version of DirectX might be present.
DSETUPERR_UNKNOWNOSURTHAU = The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
The setup program could not find the working directory.
DSETUPERR_UNSUPORTDPROCES = DirectX 8 supports only the processor type is unsupported.
To Microsoft Windows® version on the system, Restart now?
DSETUPERR_USERHITCANCELLK = The Cancel button was pressed before the application installed.
An internal error occurred, Restart now?