1 = "write-protect violation"
2 = "unknown unit"
3 = "drive not ready"
4 = "unknown command"
5 = "CRC error"
6 = "bad drive request structure length"
7 = "seek error"
8 = "unknown media"
9 = "sector not found"
10 = "printer out of paper"
11 = "write fault"
12 = "read fault"
13 = "general failure"
14 = "media unavailable"
15 = "invalid disk change"
16 = "undocumented error code"
17 = "Error ejecting the CD: \n"
18 = "Device busy\n"
19 = "Ejects CD-ROM. Syntax: PQEject Drive_letter:\n"
20 = "Invalid drive letter.\n"
21 = "\nPlease remove the CD from the CD drive.\n\n" ,
"Your PC hard drive has been restored.\n" ,
"Please reinstall any programs and user data\n" ,
"files created since you purchased your PC.\n\n" ,
"The computer will now reboot.\n" ,
"Press any key to continue.\n"