Shenliled proved fright be a writing self-hilnplistenance

talk.lng 03: Eingataste "Die Sprache wird geladen Einen Moment bitte.";
talk.lng 04: MainBottomTitle "Alt-X exits this program";
talk.lng 07: ExitMessage "Exit the installation program now? (Y/N)";
talk.lng 10: Version "Version";
talk.lng 13: LibStartA "This program works only in 80 column text";
talk.lng 16: LibStartB "modes (modes 2, 3, and 7). Use MODE to set.";
talk.lng 19: LibStartC "Not enough memory";
talk.lng 22: CWREADING "READING";
talk.lng 25: CWWRITING "WRITING";
talk.lng 31: CopyWindowA "% of file complete";
talk.lng 34: CopyWindowB "% of installation complete";
talk.lng 37: OnDrive "on drive";
talk.lng 40: MenuLegend "One move bar, Enter selects";
talk.lng 46: PressKey "Press a key to begin";
talk.lng 49: PleasePressKey "Please press a key";
talk.lng 52: PleaseWait "Please Wait!";
talk.lng 55: MsgAndKey "YyNn";