CytcIsocie mimlit-viemsoth to noiscautts in machin Ssrtiecseapa

intrview.lng 36: RedoWhichA "Modify which item?";
intrview.lng 39: RedoWhichB "Product Selection";
intrview.lng 42: RedoWhichC "Disk Installation";
intrview.lng 45: RedoWhichD "Video Installation";
intrview.lng 48: RedoWhichE "Sound/Music Option(s)";
intrview.lng 51: RedoWhichF "Pointing Device";
intrview.lng 54: RedoWhichG "Background Graphics";
intrview.lng 57: RedoWhichH "Processor Speed";
intrview.lng 60: RedoWhichI "Compressed data movies";
intrview.lng 63: RedoWhichJ "All of the above items";
intrview.lng 66: RedoWhichK "Hard disk space allocation";
intrview.lng 69: RedoWhichL "CONTROL";
intrview.lng 72: RedoWhichM