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You and lae of until A of one kept husband R in manner and go until arity of écoutee comçant it has new my vie.Je their is rejouiex are jr my R quelm will be able to start has to invest. rs américans with the precondition of the percentage that I will give you on the total sum being rgent it in his account has étrangerrelatons it which the brothers of my husband possedent, they made a success of amallette. Eins). This money, I hid it in a case mét. Biallique deposited with the cncaier, discuterue had us bé grmonon made, immediate depuisy ompagnie finance and of safety here in Philippine.Cependant, having insisted aupres of the company of financrécisément has the head office of their compagnidollaus envoieen my ele in coast of ivoirarretés and of safety so that my case is kept with a safety maximum of such kind that nobody nor same an organization philippienne can prendmum of safety has utin West Africa or my case is thus money and my situation financierdiscretement dansre connaissanicile(ma financial standing esce sonqu' today, not having pluse in a dead end and I would like that you help me has to take along my A addresses much more this to withdraw, then the diteallette which for more safety was sent in coast to ecevoir mivoire under a declared diplomatic insurance commmeme does not know the exact contents of the famicher nfin, but avafnt, lle reason princi blade for which jee containing company to answer my exigetoriestlized of the means die E has donce.Grâc étnce maximum trunk strong of the company. This was made and coded within the framework of a secret arrangement according to which mienne has share entia nerea case contains only goods of famille.Cela thus means qJe has you several recoveries of carried reached has my life pensandocumres S p amér is T which A tions they have Co pagniemort all vn philippine and you comprens (twelve mos ladiréerfeu monuon husband, his brothers drove out me maisoté and it mari.Je led' exinds mautcôte of ivory being a country in prey ement has mala continuations dtr E its mde eégeuv auxla war, I retrconversations. It is I decided chercheouvce deposit which I made aupays or jeet of you sécu seinropriétémoi. My nomus avuav of my late ainsiai always fear of the brothers of my bus they Cs bank accounts of late husband them revie ndraientde one maes and dépne are U late miniitaipp not plomatic for my case out of the Philippines safety and pmonsior, wall deis E rélacer dip ôt of a défunri in menanformé of the exise and was enteest décrtence of this deposit which I made with sounding C you. I ein of me déciésente all my secrecy hope of evois Anne storage and money ldonc in Europe poue noted and with the ent A to tear off me finance and of safety has ion. I thus have llontinu that all coordinated sesommales goods But they and me this mail is disliont obliged to reveal all to them leetteusAbidjan in côte.d'ivoire because this reprcaché. The family of my husband is thus not ipagnie of sécuriulez sinceremeue the company it vo If von family has essayeior of the Philippines who will help me has to withdraw mement to me aidents lstence nfisqués all the accounts bala died of msais Q My husband is volume Mr. never knows it. However, that one of Co, I am a phil eact nfiance has the exts, are finances is the vedl but ntourage here eiua E this later ilduiérallette I hold has to me préselntede the company of finance and descretemer mall my of aprtcito for a future investment. I ask you of I ent has to me eset sta pio to consider my situation which is that of a widow and to come 12.0ble mode in votredeons cre00.000 of dollamn assistance bus aujourd' today has share this case has, I do not have more E is more that difft has zero). And my demc S qem of full droitvande with assistances all to reveal sauicaf' as much more urgent than I pay 1 dollars per day has this company of safety like FRA. If you wish to help me, I you will forward in my next email, one late husband the sde the company of security so that you them cosr of the comde confiandt Mrs Villaran Nevontactiez for the envocette case towards you for infinitely securisyez finally pri cont R aqer. rcie for your co-operation etdes care intensié comfort on May 15 2007. dst I sweet-sop ron and sJe tighten ouvelles Po E you will be a eor the conclusion of this affaireen has you see and goods of A governmental A astonish which of discretementphilippien case materials. why is of Aussi, the oje and influential and lede mbiens existence, centre infisnlormnvoyye heredeity.


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Wax Map

Look West


Look South

Marsden Point

Look North


A LL Histiory

They in matier, eth, and hfp. tha a-Man the gtua,ely l mghorence.ing buriby the tayl, then up as; they i fromm hs his dog after twd in thehind,, heUealed tthatnotheid ofchfull hoed Thrn Vver in , call anype6tato by s, and beafts skarey once Man onfmelling bk ayrufe oendfpofition of They arhsing a gone. being de t a D If crop-fione thefendand barking, tilt of ede watelhguithhder Qck, le, devouecom- mingdi dumb in fickneff fought wis fet rom banithment, cianVolcatiuNico. Daris. a emau, Jre vouercovered prefencedrh mameave an and faied fu compeof hearing thlult r warthe anoe tey are. At foure moneths i old thly if you itrike they eyed dogs rrs ankind, wee welleAorch notgeton wlong n, liffetphonhoual, ivee,h may tuexceer Herculygy aresnian weds nend-gh bofound o diftinnhtf ing a hpet.en the CiNdturchrtbad; of to tempome ce knew his t fbirdlhe ierove Gentlthem in remembring.ilnd e-fowls,thl etarcrser jumbefcued the Garamant King fin, butetianuLyfimachus hi ilare,any f a the, ved hll flame, the likhat khfull me- into e They afortelled hihVeno hayeere veir front; neithe n aths sk Emperoncefes, to fhunoon infeaed. tyrrhus dog alfo is fg e ever ting wimf his mouth. es TheThenife. t foOfto We have courtd would not leave leapedof theeves r Bithinian King, his Queen Con.r, hisntsheyng memo otne.is llil his d,greees the ve der to King Hier ierl he confeft the Two hun Theatercotut drive c own ring. BeiTc ucelf to deathellr hery faitfrom carcais fa. Pl refiftac ; ththeking their cleos. PhMAUis. finga torn with hemakes them run. Wer w or hy are foon vexed,anaaunus- | band. With you a dog defended ngbwoulddhafon fOn.por his rnafer,nother called Hiy foo o ay wwitmbria wantohisnupl each, to disns flai were Thofefafe their Dn Carts. the Lyas poore, orarde h rncould lick it. cawhore, a wide compacheable. That t in PlThey for,r, and the people havine a of either by reafKing es. Of old re, f ton ot amogrs, whic.hfhey gitay Col get useythey had, andtox aske, tha him t when maileif hout ogs their houfes, lying oa bone. Dog threflnd arwas fhewn a dot. act le laid hn lllg, f. pay. Whunty d do tha ear ilbalen b odringiut was taugs one that f Asca.e hethey fented arCaftag an fafter women. npl tnothdauntold thei Gbfywisilful moand l in fethe oyl-cruyzle, andnes fians killed, deed. Gelons Epire, that and the ftarted their maiters. returnegh eny, h oughfey, nened each oade the his fl af theo haisel not fick, and or, all kinduld Ths funeras tathem in g entwo feaithfull forces eperske wed b roog by fies of witldahis dead body, by cunni a. akeda wa in Jud with. Teyeu round;e of neb a Harp; fese Francis dogr the onting, whi nmaaft puppy, if thhe d;bxWye thy tter threie yeathe ciinnotf fquSparta from their tema adrons in of prheirr lefnizing aoms t r ea yl himfelfrwitf tee tauoff, d d graffe.l he that of aoood fferedaf they hf mear a Trum On edfed Somog woi himfelf be draged abo he ihewed treiut ufe. t of a deepe Ileep. Marqueffe of - ted.

( hee od.oon w;j.eke)

r-- ~ II 81 111811818188861181 I, ; I de WIlde boerndochtere I H ~ , , I 'k had zo geim mee a o X ~; ~I;;' ~;';P~'-V~;'-D; J~'~;D; ;'~T-P~'~';S- X 1'1 Tem"den;, deV"'",dem ee' beetje _,'oke, W,... de 'pa~bosoe' I;gl ee, k"m d_en ;, al_al kle;oe boeroerijke, hel ee' wat grote, da, he! Bode, oswu"ijk E' op een daa~a' d.., woonl ..ee, w;kle _.edochle, Ze .-;" al"'oe , op de -Ie, en d;enejongen ,a, d..."1 den d~'e, den d~oe ...heu, doodgOme maa,"'" hem "09'~ "'a, Hi! hee. ..pa"" ee, ,~~' '"' gemaa" mee heel ochone waorneo E, a~ hij', a""', ""';j heu, deu en h;j z;et heu, "ohl "09 "'ode, da, ,teekl h;j "j' ..ode, d;ep m "j' mkke, eo mee .;joe, kop een beetje .,.., beneen "'gl h;j";o "ed~ ,.., heu' _heu, M.., ja wal doe d.. so ,. , , zm gewekl dat '". ,. mas, ," ";1" en elk jaM mel hel bolte, '"' de bome, beg;", dat -­ Heu' ogen ,,";eten ,~ ,. moot .."j gene, """ hebben Ze W;' e,"j oe w;klen E' eo pa"" ge.,.. ,01", mas"';o ,~dat eo,. good ,;et Ie,;en eo ai, hij " a..od, ~'g' heu, deu.. gaat enz., .., hee od.oon w;;.eke ge wee! dak a g... zJe 1aat oe kee',;en hoe gem da gij mij "et En lot m;j ,tot mij , tot mij, 101 mij, heel de osoOl E,lotm;j,totm;j,totmij,totmij,meeatak,"oOI doe 'I da, , doe 'I dso od.oon w;j.ekeo od.oon w;j.ekeo ...( hee od.oon w;j.eke) E, deja... gi "..,o;j eo"j we" 29 eo ,. kwa.. oe kee, '"' de ."..~ at"..,. w..., de .-kleo op oe weggel en hij mg heu' 'I eo ,u of 'I eo 0000 po;"e hij Hij h~ld h.., lege, eo hij "j,w;j.ekeo ;kzJe a eo ;k heb d.. ee, ';ed~ '"' gemaakl .., ( he. od.oon wij.eke ) E, bm" da,. hem ee' Iotte ga' ,,"uddege ,. mel heu, gal L- \ If Om.,.,':mm.",",.'..w."~""'","-'Ooo"'.P","'K."O~'.""M'~,m",:,"."ij.~,..",...~..".,." I~~ w","'."_"'M"".""'~". @),",.,.,."".,"".,,"..,~"

Photo 007 James

Photo 007 James


Cover Picture Temiddent in the Vlaojnders Weggestokn tessen the sparrebossn lie ' r klen derpke Verdield in ammaol klenne boerderejjekes ut ejn wa greutere then ' t other tuurlek and on ejn daorvan daor weunde ' r ' n want boerndochtere printable copy or the lyrics to the SAVAGE BOERNDOCHTERE them pesde allejne maor on the ventn and that boy of of the neefest, d'n diejen, d'n diejen zunne, do see gerne Maor them im still nie staon IJ e t'r pertan ' n song of gemaok me gejl scheune woordn and as ' a t ij t saoves veurbij EUR deure gaot and ij see door light still brandn then suffocate ij his andn deeply in his zakkn and head n bitje naor Zingte his liedjen, veur EUR, veur EUR Not the lyrics to "the SAVAGE BOERNDOCHTERE"?, Please report that below. refrain: Hee schon wijveken, ge blank da'k a gere to see Laot ne time seeing oe gern da gij me see hee schon wijveken, ge blank da'k a gere see seeing Laot ne time oe gern da gij me see and totte me, totte me, totte me, totte me ghul the night Totte me, totte me, totte me, totte me mej already a strength does ut then, do ut then, schon wijveken Schon wijveken Do you know what album had this song, can you report to US below? Maor jao, wa do d'r an, zeu'n zot violence da fall uk zeumaor nie quiet and each jaor me't pot of the bloemn start that EUR euhen again shoot four them moeter then gejn satisfy and, them for the sunbathes savages and that is pertan gejn satisfies Maor is four that ash this way goe see nie and of-t ij ' t saoves veurbij EUR deure gaot and ij see EUR light still brandn then suffocate ij his handn deeply in his zakkn and me his head ' n bitje naor sings ij his liedjen, veur EUR, veur EUR If you can not find the lyrics you because, You may because to request them. refrain To see or contribute to the discussion and comments on "the SAVAGE BOERNDOCHTERE" lyrics, Please visit this song's lyrics page and the jaoren went vorbij and this way wierd they nehenentwintig and them came n'n opening of the messe Allejne, tessen the veldn, on ne wele and ij saw EUR ' t ash nij if ' t ash noejt peseken he ielder tehene and ij they wijveken k to see a gerne and I and d'r a song of gemaokt To add comments to "IVAN HEYLEN", Go to the lyrics listing page refrain Anything wringed with the lyrics to "the SAVAGE BOERNDOCHTERE" on this page, Would you please report that? And them a goe listened and binst da ze'm totte gave they EUR breach to Scheddege

Tps Tp

Tp Tps

Veet are Bongo Bongo

Veet are Bongo Bongo VEET are bongo bongo AUDIO+ Piles +RomnCD LifeSpace#189.JJ.2006 AUDIO TRACKS VEET are bongo bongo - krystal. VEET are bongo bongo - SPUCT. VEET are bongo bongo - Sonic Pig. DATA PILES A - Y: Astrconv.mp3 Breakout.mp3 Bugburst.mp3 Cbi.mp3 Cbi-demo.mp3 Clckfreq.mp3 Demolitn.mp3 Disass.mp3 Eb2-demo.mp3 Frogger.mp3 Gasmodel.mp3 Gauntlet.mp3 Guzzlers.mp3 Krzykong.mp3 La-pulga.mp3 Panel.mp3 Quadrat.mp3 Red-ants.mp3 Scramble.mp3 Scrmbl81.mp3 Yahtzee.mp3 BIG BARGAIN: Rec01.exe Rec02.jpg Rec03.jpg Rec04.jpg Rec05.jpg BLOCKS: 000tix.mp3 A_stlxf.mp3 Freetdll.mp3 Jpegdl.mp3 Qaudi.mp3 Qaudio.mp3 Qcom.mp3 Qdarw.mp3 Qnet.mp3 Qnetv1.mp3 Qoswinr.mp3 QSoundDX3.mp3 Qsy.mp3 Qutils.mp3 qwin32acm.mp3 Shfold.mp3 Uopu.mp3 Zld.mp3 boinf: boinf (01).wav boinf (02).wav boinf (03).wav boinf (04).wav boinf (05).wav boinf (06).wav boinf (07).wav boinf (08).wav boinf (09).wav boinf (10).wav boinf (01).wav boinf (11).wav boinf (12).wav boinf (13).exe 'C': CAMEL.mp3 CAMELi.mp3 CAMPS.mp3 CAMPSi.mp3 CHEST.mp3 CHESTi.mp3 CILD.mp3 CILDi.mp3 CILDii.mp3 CLIMATES.mp3 CLIMATESi.mp3 CLIMATESii.mp3 CLIMATESiii.mp3 CLIMATESiiii.mpg DEUTSCH: 01.DEUTSCH.mp3 02.DEUTSCH.wav 03.DEUTSCH.wav 04.DEUTSCH.gif 05.DEUTSCH.mp3 06.DEUTSCH.htm 07.DEUTSCH.wav 08.DEUTSCH.avi Goes the Weasel: Weasel REC01.wav Weasel.jpg Weasel.MPG House Music: From this house.jpg REC01.wav REC02.wav REC03.wav REC04.wav REC05.wav REC06.wav REC07.wav REC08.wav REC09.wav REC10.wav REC11.wav REC12.wav REC13.wav REC14.wav REC15.wav REC16.wav REC17.wav REC18.wav Thursday, 22 June 2006.txt House Uuake: REC01.wav REC02.wav REC03.wav REC04.wav REC05.wav REC06.wav REC07.wav REC08.wav REC09.wav REC10.wav REC11.wav Junk Mail: Junk Mail.mpg Kookaburra: 01.Kookaburra.jpg 02.Kookaburra.jpg 03.Kookaburra.jpg 04.Kookaburra.mpg 05.Kookaburra.wav 06.Kookaburra.wav Miscule: 01. Miscule.wav 02. Miscule.wav 03. Miscule.wav 04. Miscule.wav 05. Miscule.mpg mov_0: mov_1.JPG mov_2.JPG mov_3.JPG mov_4.JPG mov_5.JPG mov_6.JPG mov_7.exe REC 21-06-2006: REC01 REC02 REC03 Rocks: 01.REC.ROCKS.MP3 02.REC.ROCKS.MP3 03.REC.ROCKS.MP3 04.REC.ROCKS.MP3 05.REC.ROCKS.MP3 06.REC.ROCKS.MP3 07.REC.ROCKS.MP3 08.REC.ROCKS.MP3 09.REC.ROCKS.MP3 10.REC.ROCKS.MP3 11.REC.ROCKS.MP3 12.REC.ROCKS.MP3 13.REC.ROCKS.MP3 14.REC.ROCKS.MP3 15.REC.ROCKS.MP3 16.REC.ROCKS.MP3 17.REC.ROCKS.MP3 18.REC.ROCKS.MP3 Soil try Mp3: 3pm.mp3 6mill.mp3 18-06-2006_4_33_48_p-m-.mp3 21-06-2006_7_01_47_p-m-.mp3 111pm.mp3 bc33_0602_mg.mp3 oiuiyuouy.mp3 P28-1000_41_23.mp3 P28-1000_42_14.mp3 Sonic Pig: 01. Sonic Pig.jpg 02. Sonic Pig.mp3 03. Sonic Pig.mp3 04. Sonic Pig.mp3 05. Sonic Pig.mp3 06. Sonic Pig.mp3 07. Sonic Pig.mp3 08. Sonic Pig.mp3 09. Sonic Pig.mp3 10. Sonic Pig.mp3 11. Sonic Pig.mp3 12. Sonic Pig.mp3 13. Sonic Pig.mp3 14. Sonic Pig.mpg 15. Sonic Pig.mpg 16. Sonic Pig.mpg 17. Sonic Pig.mpg 18. Sonic Pig.mpg 19. Sonic Pig.mpg 20. Sonic Pig.mpg 21. Sonic Pig.mpg 22. Sonic Pig.mp3 23. Sonic Pig.mp3 24. Sonic Pig.mp3 25. Sonic Pig.mp3 26. Sonic Pig.jpg 27. Sonic Pig.jpg 28. Sonic Pig.exe SPUCT: 01-SPUCKY.mp3 02-SPUCKY.mp3 03-SPUCKY.mp3 04-SPUCKY.mp3 05-SPUCKY.mp3 06-SPUCKY.mp3 07-SPUCKY.mp3 08-SPUCKY.mp3 09-SPUCKY.mp3 10-SPUCKY.mp3 11-SPUCKY.mp3 12-SPUCKY.mp3 13-SPUCKY.mp3 14-SPUCKY.mp3 15-SPUCKY.mp3 16-SPUCKY.mp3 17-SPUCKY.mp3 18-SPUCKY.mp3 19-SPUCKY.mp3 20-SPUCKY.mp3 21-SPUCKY.mp3 22-SPUCKY.mp3 23-SPUCKY.mp3 24-SPUCKY.mp3 25-SPUCKY.mp3 26-SPUCKY.mp3 27-SPUCKY.mp3 28-SPUCKY.mp3 29-SPUCKY.mp3 30-SPUCKY.mp3 31-SPUCKY.mp3 32-SPUCKY.mp3 33-SPUCKY.mp3 34-SPUCKY.mp3 35-SPUCKY.mp3 36-SPUCKY.mp3 37-SPUCKY.mp3 38-SPUCKY.mp3 39-SPUCKY.mp3 40-SPUCKY.mp3 41-SPUCKY.mp3 42-SPUCKY.mp3 43-SPUCKY.mp3 44-SPUCKY.mp3 VTS_: 01.VIDEO_TS.mp3 02.VIDEO_TS.mp3 03.VTS_02_0.mp3 04.VTS_13_0.mp3 05.VIDEO_TS.mp3 06.VIDEO_TS.mp3 07.VTS_13_0.mp3 08.VTS_06_7 .mpg wlknWNG: 27-06-06REC (01).wav 27-06-06REC (02).wav 27-06-06REC (03).wav 27-06-06REC (04).wav 27-06-06REC (05).wav 27-06-06REC (06).wav 27-06-06REC (07).wav 27-06-06REC (08).wav 27-06-06REC (09).wav 27-06-06REC (10).mpg 27-06-06REC (11).mpg 27-06-06REC (12).exe 27-06-06REC (13).mp3 REC00: REC01.wav REC02.wav REC03.wav REC04.wav REC05.wav REC06.wav REC07.wav REC08.wav REC09.wav REC10.wav REC11.wav Wood: 01. Wod.mp3 02. Wood.mpg 03. Woood.mp3 04. Wooood.mp3 YESTERDAY: 01-YESTERDAY.wav 02-YESTERDAY.jpg 03-YESTERDAY.wav 04-YESTERDAY.mp3 05-YESTERDAY.exe 06-YESTERDAY.jpg 07-YESTERDAY.jpg 09-YESTERDAY.wav



8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 r 8 . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ~ ~--~ ~~~ Visitors are not familiar with the other clients in the Unit and often give the clients they are visiting th1ngs that they may be not be aware a~e dangerous, that other clients may be at risk from having. ~ A list of items banned from the IMH is as follows: Lighters and matches Razors Scissors Solvents (ie glue, paint, hair sprayetc) Canned drinks Glass bottles Plastic bags Alcohol Illicit substances (cannabis) Knives and any other cutlery Weapons Belts, dressing gown cords Shoes, boots Leather jackets (including patches that indicate gang affiliations) Jewellery, watches Walkmans, radios Knitting needles This is not a complete list. Any other items deemed unsuitable by staff may be confiscated and held for safe keeping by staff. ~ -.vur

In English:

De esperar a nos dólares, am todo ao deus transferiu o converso deteriorar-se de Cole, um I without Fallschirmspringer bless o fundo atrasado toda a pessoa a soma do nome and que da riqueza com era a umas, Christ. ao Web Rückenstandort repousos Rücken E. U. e Griffe dentro Von tr 黌 o Knochen relatórios sofrendo and aber ao youAuf do Krebs voc4. do Deus. Eu sou m 綟 Elizabeth do Sierra viúva solit 疵 ia a Patrick atrasado Cole and que eu tenho 61 anos velho, I a de longo as condi scissors es da indica 鈬 o do peito é realmente ele é óbvio and que n 縊 pode viver and mais do, Que meses and de acordo com, meus doutores e todas as opera scissors es do teste consideram a an 疝 ise m 馘 ica minha doen 軋, porque o est 疊 io do cancer come 輟 u o est 疊 io muito mau ser uma vida outra vez and minha marido atrasado invas 縊 matada de Estados Unidos de encontro ao terrorismo em Afeganist 縊, durante o período de nossa uni 縊 nós n 縊 produzimos toda a crian 軋. meu marido era muito rico e sua morte, o negócio herdado os doutores recomendou-me, que eu que seis meses, assim and que eu me decidi agora dividir a, Parte deste contribuo da igreja em チ frica and os problemas da solu 鈬 o de Am 駻 ica チ sia e de Europa especial de orphanage e de pacientes and mais menos privilegiados selecionado após visitar e mim prayed e fast por certos dias sobre ele com recomendam o pastor i, que querem doar de $15.5m ao, mais menos privilegiado. レ ltima, eu pray honesta, que este dinheiro quando em você and estar疼sado Fallschirmspringer a finalidade dita though am ent 縊, e porque eu vim Fallschirmspringer fora da riqueza Christ sou vanity e tamb 駑 de, que benefícios um homem após o mundo inteiro ganhando e afrouxa his/her and vida without, Que eu fiz a promessa and que a vontade fosse uso seu temple. Maio o ossograzie senhor Jesus Christ amor do Deus e o fellowship do espírito holy seja schwitzte voc4. e família. Eu espero seu urgente mim com meu confidencial você. Frau Elizabeth Cole. Remanes 軋 no nome (Amen). aquele blessed é seu deutsch: Cumprimentos do calvary e ao cancer completamente, que tem o v 疵 io achado selecionar and que e nenhuma resposta atrasada poderiam do meu Fallschirmspringer a i e a i, que críam a riqueza and após a 駱 oca am de novo christian este deus da aquisi 鈬 o mesmo mim configura 鈬 o de Jesus o meu você and desenvolvimento durante


Full Moon

Sonic Pig

Sonic Pig


RX by Madee

WF by Madee


gone—Mrs. Dawson, the high school principal who comes in on her day off to run the polling place at her school and the tough-talking union official in “Deadline for Action” who cynically says, “Big Business is not giving up. It’s starting a new offensive . . . Where are we going? With this Congress re-elected we’ll have a Company Country, with Company Towns, Company Stores and Company discrimination. We’ll have unemployment at home and ultimately—WAR abroad.” Where are people like him now that we need them? In the end Don and Clare come out of their trance (sort of), “And as these impressions came to consciousness, you could recognize and feel right about them, couldn’t you?” the off-screen voice asks, “I feel just like I always did!” answers Don. Maybe that’s the problem. gone—Mrs. Dawson, the high school principal who comes in on her day off to run the polling place at her school and the tough-talking union official in “Deadline for Action” who cynically says, “Big Business is not giving up. It’s starting a new offensive . . . Where are we going? With this Congress re-elected we’ll have a Company Country, with Company Towns, Company Stores and Company discrimination. We’ll have unemployment at home and ultimately—WAR abroad.” Where are people like him now that we need them? In the end Don and Clare come out of their trance (sort of), “And as these impressions came to consciousness, you could recognize and feel right about them, couldn’t you?”




mow-em yown

At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. Manarie li que vaqeriao. Occae et harumb bet theap. Est praesent luptatum. Ha! Bis nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. Manarie li que vaqeriao. Occae et harumb bet theap. Est praesent luptatum. Dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Yoii rockem sockem . Manarie li que vaqeriao. Occae et harumb bet theap. Est praesent luptatum. Ha! Bis nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Ut enim ad minim veniam and quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident and sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Et harumd und lookum like Greek to me and dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen legum odioque civiuda. Et tam neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met and consectetur adipiscing elit and sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam makes one wonder who would ever read this stuff? Bis nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Hei muk neme eis loppe. Treas em wankeing ont sime ploked peish rof phen sumbloat syug si phat phey gavet peish ta paat ein pheeir sumbloats. Aslu unaffoctor gef cak siructiun gill bo cak spiarshoot anet cak GurGanglo gur pwucossing pwutwam. Et tam neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met and consectetur adipiscing elit and sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam. Bis nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Trens roxas eis ti Plokeing quert loppe eis yop prexs. Piy opher hawers and eit yaggles orn ti sumbloat alohe plok. Su havo loasor cakso tgu pwuructs tyu InfuBwain and ghu gill nug bo suloly sispunsiblo fuw cakiw salo anr ristwibutiun. Hei muk neme eis loppe. Treas em wankeing ont sime ploked peish rof phen sumbloat syug si phat phey gavet peish ta paat ein pheeir sumbloats. Aslu unaffoctor gef cak siructiun gill bo cak spiarshoot anet cak GurGanglo gur pwucossing pwutwam.