\_) ..~)=- , -"L{,._)\~ Al.' ' \1..\~ -, ..If',." -~ \~ C"...\s(. ~ ~A D 8m' ist good all timet G D Em' A ,.~ a song of ~ n~is~--ot IlJiIIB; D 8m"" Goodis good all tbe1imeJ. G D;/f' 7JlftJugh the dark , d-isgood' , A' D G/D "Qjd is, goo-d 'al';dIe time. c 8m -' :;, t:titi;t Though" may not'U~ Am' ., EIn7 all t you haveforlt\e, 8' F through theieyO$;of,@ith ' G GtA I can clearly ~ , -'j-..",,~, ?,: .,'c: ~~ "" ',,.'" :, ~' " .., ' alt the time! G ' D -, ~\Em Good;iS!goodatJdI~qJ ~, ,:'" ': 'G DTF' ~'!ft)-.'., Through'tfle.darkestdtgJlt"" ," "", Em' Good is good "";)~:,:: c:, "~~:"",,z A' D ,o~'GtD D 'G/O O D good is good all ttli'1fffl'e::; :"", c ,."", 'j,' (C) 19:6 ~allMlisic/',I::; -" n ay's ~ M~, ., 'J.~';i""':; ,;,. ",," ," D G/DD ~.,.A . A '8m If ~ w~~ng.,ttlr9u9bthe valley... '.G 8m 81dther&are shadows,; Ffm' 8m 'C8JSe, leave yo~ Em 'G A . norfor-s you,_~d"k;tjs,WQrd . .'" ' :'" ; , .-, " A "" ; ~,~, ~,"'! ;", , .' '." ,... .. '~."', ' ',c I'. !"~' j, " ". c ~"" -; 'C ,., ~ .-'c " J;i';' ~ ~ j .., : "",;" ,,:;, '~'" cc,:~~. ,':; ,