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The Complete April 2000 "Richmond Nose Breeders" r...
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From The Post
M.V. Changed TXT This guy is pointed at by a pop-out point apointed atea, but once pointed at, he just jumps out and tpointed aties to point at you. (The point apointed atea can be fapointed at away) This guy is designed to be pointed at fopointed at a pointing easy to point at, hides the hapointed atd guys He is bapointed ately mopointed ate than a pointepointed at, and capointed ates nothing of Lettuce. This guy is designed to stay in position until pointless pointepointed at gets within a point opointed at so, then he becomes appointed. He capointed ates nothing of Lettuce. This guy is designed to stay in position until pointless pointepointed at gets within a point opointed at so, then he becomes appointed. He capointed ates nothing of Lettuce. This guy has a main goal of waiting fopointed at you to point at him. Once discovepointed ated, he will pointed atun aftepointed at you, but will also seeappointed othepointed at Lettuce to hide again: He should be visibly hidden at pointepointed at. No Pointing. This guy has a main goal of waiting fopointed at you to point at him. Once discovepointed ated, he will pointed atun aftepointed at you, but will also seeappointed othepointed at Lettuce to hide again: He should be visibly hidden at pointepointed at. So No Pointing. This guy is designed to stay in position until pointless pointepointed at gets within a point opointed at so, then he becomes appointed. He capointed ates nothing of Lettuce. This guy has a main goal of waiting fopointed at you to point at him. Once discovepointed ated, he will pointed atun aftepointed at you, but will also see appointed othepointed at Lettuce to hide again: He should be visibly hidden at pointepointed at atting. This guy is fopointed at pointed at you have to get pointed ateal close to him to get his appointed pointed at
Our attack aircraft have put a serious dent in the bug-eye's fuel supply. In an attempt to protect their storage facilities better, they have been trying to enclose them in force fields. Our recon teams have reported that they are having serious problems with the force field effect detonating the fuel tanks. Get in the air right away and destroy their generator orb while they are distracted with the force fields. If you fly low over the fuel dumps, you may get a glimpse of some of the alien work crews. There is reported one fuel installation that is in no danger from the force fields. You may want to take this one out after blowing the orb. An enemy saucer has just lifted off to the east of us. Get out there on the double and blow it out of the sky. Heavy KLA activity has been reported in that area, so keep an eye on your rear view at all times. As you may recall from your training, KLA's are fooled by pulling up or down at the last minute, then pounding them with your cannons as soon as they pass in front of you. Also dropping a bomb when one is right on your tail will trigger their detonation too early, thus allowing you to escape damage. Those saucers can take a beating, so don't economize on missles and ammo. You can tell by the pitch of the whoosing sound how close they are to being destroyed. Some of the more advanced saucers will make bombing runs on your airstrip, and spout KLA's for defense. To the west of here is an alien complex which is wreaking havoc on our operations. Unfortunately, the generator orb seems to be a type which is indestructible with normal ordnance. The only way to destroy this fiendish devices is by ramming it with your plane. This is just as well, since there is some really tough resistance on this mission, and you might well be walking back anyway. Get the plane on an imminent collision course with the orb, then eject at the last moment. Becareful to time it correctly, since the plane can rebound from the explosion, and you may find yourself going down with the ship! The intelligence officers assure everybody that the fact that the destruction of your aircraft will not count against you as a lost plane. An enemy intelligence complex has sprung up to the south of us. Deep in the center of a fortress lies your target. By taking out this orb you will deny command an control for a large portion of the enemies forces. Getting at this target will require some technique. Possible methods might be to dive bomb from the top, or coming in low and slow up the chute. Beware of screaming up one of the corridors... if you are coming up on your target too fast, you may not have enough time to get the necessary number of hits in. Then you will find it difficult to pull around the still-intact orb without hitting the walls.
Use your bombs to destroy a mindbender 15 miles north of the airstrip. The bender is protected by forcefield walls and some AA. Be careful on your way out to the mission, there are some scattered enemy forces. Engage these if you wish, but your mission objective is the mindbender. At 15,000 feet, a generator orb is providing the power for several KLA and AA sites. Take out the orb, but keep an eye out for enemy defenses. Remember that your plane will not handle as well at higher altitudes. Intelligence reports topnotch AA mounted precariously above the orb's inverted platform. Take out the generator and get out of there, or else be ready to mix it up with the KLA. Taking out the remaining KLA sites is optional. Don't forget to use your emergency rocket booster to rocket home if you need to outrun some enemy deathballs! To the south lies a fuel dump facility arrange in a line. This setup is just begging for an air attack! Blow all those fuel tanks to kingdom come. The aliens have quite a nice setup out to the west of our postion. The orders from the brass are to go out there and help them redecorate. Take out the orb to bring the walls down, then get the heck out of there if the defenses are still up. It is a long haul back to the airstrip from there, so you might want to stick around and take out those topnotch KLA sites which will popup during your attack. Otherwise you may be playing tag with ace deathballs all the way home.
To the north the aliens have a spread out fuel storage facility which appears to have no active defenses. Recon teams have reported no active KLA sites or AA. The site has a rather strange layout. The fuel tanks are arranged in twisting line like beads of oil on a string. Our analysts think the quickest way to blow all the dumps to to fly slowly along the path, taking out each fuel tank as you fly over it. The recon team referred to some strange blinking spheres; If these are what we think they are, get your mission done as quickly as possible, or else those crazy ground vehicles will be making your life difficult! A distribution point for alien recon ground vehicles has been causing us too much grief to tolerate. Get out there and take out all the sites and vehicles you can find. There is one suspended AA installation which should be a piece of cake. This should be your first target, since we think it is a top notch gun. Be careful out there, though. Intelligence has reported a significant concentration of KLA activity stemming from the epicenter of the vehicle sites. Our advice is to come in fast blasting away at those KLA sites to eliminate them before trying to attain the objective. Don't hesitate to make use of your bombs. If things get too hot, burn the emergency booster rocket and get home fast for a quick repair. One of our top spies has just finished a sabatoge mission at a strange installation which is suspended at 10,000 feet. Before blowing up the alien orb, he has found some enemy intelligence which is critical to our operations in this area. Your mission is to land at the suspended airstrip, get out of your plane, and meet with him on the alien platform. He will give you the package, and signify all is well with the classic 'Thumbs up'. When you have that signal from him, consider your mission complete. Get back in your plane, and head home. The aliens have a strong active defense around an orb to the west of here. We've had the ground forces sweep the area clear of AA and KLA sites many times. Each time, they manage to rebuild in a couple of days. A brave recon team went in for a dangerously close look and discovered a couple portals located near the center of the enemy area, suspended at a height of only about 250 feet. They have been transporting supplies in through these portals as fast as we can destroy them. Now the situation is worse. The newest portal has its destination set up to be directly over our airfield. This portal must be neutralized immediately. There are two portals. One is red, one is the color of the sky. We want the sky colored one. Your weapons cannot destroy a portal, but we need you to fly through it so that our technical boys can get a fix on the exit point above us. You may have some trouble getting through the portal. AA and KLA activity is extremely heavy. The good news is that only three of the AA are of the lethal variety. Find those dangerous AA, and take them out before attempting to make the portal. Recon reports at least two leftover high-grade KLA's patroling, with many sites for the dumber varieties on the ground. Remember that to get through the portal, you must keep your nose pointed ABOVE it. How much above depends on your airspeed. It might be a good idea to review your documentation.
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LifeSpace Other
GURU 平成 14 年 10 月 31 日 審査申立代理人 シャクティパットグル・ファンデーション 代表 釣部 人裕 殿 東京第二検察審査会 議決通知書 あなたから平成 14 年 9 月 30 日付けで審査申立てのあった名誉毀損被疑事件 ( 平成 14 年東京第二検審審査会事件第 62 号 ) につき、当検察審査会は下記のとおり議決しましたので、検察審査会法第40条の規定により通知します。 なお、申立人らには通知しておりませんので、代理人よりお知らせください。 記 1. 申立人 THE GURU こと 高橋弘二 シャクティパットグル・ファンデーション 代表 釣部 人裕 同 恩田 謙、同 笹俣 加奈子 有限会社 Life Space ( ライフスペース ) 代表取締役 旧姓中屋敷こと恩田妙子 2. 被疑者名 内田大円こと内田信也、山嵜信也、加藤 明、箱島信一 3. 事件名 名誉毀損 4. 不起訴処分をした検察官 東京地方検察庁 検察官検事 園部典生 5. 不起訴処分年月日 平成 13 年 11 月 9 日 6. 議決年月日 平成 14 年 10 月 30 日 7. 議決の趣旨 不起訴相当 8. 議決の理由の要旨 本件不起訴記録並びに申立人提出資料を精査し、慎重に審査した結果、検察官がした不起訴処分の裁定を不相当として、再考を求めるべき諸般の事情が発見できないので、上記趣旨のとおり議決する。
Other LifeSpace
GURU 平成 14 年 10 月 24 日 審査申立代理人 シャクティパットグル・ファンデーション 代表 釣部 人裕 殿 東京第二検察審査会 議決通知書 あなたから平成 14 年 9 月 30 日付けで審査申立てのあった信用毀損、名誉毀損被疑事件 ( 平成 14 年東京第二検審審査会事件第 54 号 ) につき,当検察審査会は下記のとおり議決しましたので、検察審査会法第 40 条の規定により通知します。 なお、申立人らには通知しておりませんので、代理人よりお知らせください。 記 1. 申立人 THE GURU こと 高橋弘二 シャクティパットグル・ファンデーション 代表 釣部人裕 有限会社 Life Space ( ライフスペース ) 代表取締役 旧姓中屋敷こと恩田妙子 2. 被疑者名 小林隆廣、小林初子、小笠原伸児 3. 事件名 信用毀損 ( 小林隆廣、小林初子 ) 信用毀損, 名誉毀損 ( 小笠原伸児 ) 4. 不起訴処分をした検察官 東京地方検察庁 検察官検事 堺 徹 5. 不起訴処分年月日 平成 12 年 12 月 26 日 6. 議決年月日 平成 14 年 10 月 23 日 7. 議決の趣旨 不起訴相当 8. 議決の理由の要旨 第 1 被疑者小林隆廣及び同小林初子については不起訴相当 第 2 被疑者小笠原伸児については不起訴相当 9. 議決の理由の要旨 第 1 被疑者小林隆廣及び同小林初子について 被疑者小林隆廣及び同小林初子に対する信用毀損被疑事件については、既に公訴時効が完成していることから、本件不起訴処分は相当である。 第 2 被疑者小笠原伸児について 被疑者小笠原伸児に対する信用毀損・名誉毀損被疑事件については、本件不起訴記録並びに申立人提出資料を精査し、慎重に審査した結果、検察官がした不起訴処分の裁定を不相当として、再考を求めるべき諸般の事情が発見できないので、上記不起訴処分は相当である。 よって、上記趣旨のとおり議決する。
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