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9001: 81: A!JVnNVr !J3J..llfW llfHl S!)NIHl 3Hl -!l3N31SIl
8q+ 0:1 uoqJ:8~ p8J8:1S8nb8S JJ8q+ ll.In:I8J A8q+ :lOJ pUB UMOp ITBJ S88.I1 U8qM
:lBq+ 8a'P8IMomy 8~BlduoffiUIo~ SJ :II
, 'B:lBP a'uJ:lJoddns 8q+ JO UOJsJ~8Jd
8q+ UJ S8JI UOnBAOUUJ 8q.1 .S8pB~8p JOJ UMOmy U88q SBq SJq.1 .a'uJsJJdms :IOU SJ 8UBq+8UI 8~npOJd S:lS8JOJ UJBJ :lBq+ a'UJMOqS q~J:88S8J JO SM8U W8~8J 8q.1 9NIWUYM 1Y8019
(pUBPI~ny) .l9pna ess9l
.J8dsOJd m SW8IB:I J:r;8q+ JOJ W81IIqSJmou A.I:lsnpuJ pUB IBUOJSS8J -OJd J8n8q q+JM APB8.I{B 8ABq 8M SJ8:1JJM 8S0q+ pUB SJ8UIO~M8U q+oq a'uJPJAOJd UIO;g UBq+ 'SJ8pB8J 8:1BUOJSSBd 8:1B8J~ pUB sp~ JJ8q+ m pB8J m SW8J:8d uo snuo 8q+ a'umnd pUB S8smo~ a'unJJM A.rnW8:1 UIO;g SS81 8UIO~ ITJM SJ8:1JJM s,U8:rpIJq~ SSBr~- :lSlY JO UOnBJ8U8a' M8U B JO 8SJJ 8q+ :lBq+ 8nB'J:8 PJ :lnH .8~Bds M8JA8J 'SdBq
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-:lSlli~ B UJ:88 m p88U 8q+ S,8J8q+ U8q.1
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-qnd :W8J8JJW 8q Plno~ :lBq+ s8~u8nIJUJ Jo
seAI8smo a'UOUlB ~:l8M lU81lI:1UJoddBsJP peAJ8~J8d AUB JoJ A:lJrJqJSUOdS8J 8q+ lIB Jeplnoqs m p8~SB 8q :IOU Plnoqs SJ8:1PM
.8JU8a' A.r8A8 ArJ:88U UJ S8PJ:I
j13JDIJo 8a'UBJ 8PJM B 8ABq MOU sp~ pURr
-eez M8N 'lli8q+ PUJq8q SJ8qsJrqnd 8q+
pile 'lli8q+ m S)f{mq+ 'ArJddBq ~a'UJJ8M°It SO861 8q+ uo nJnq 8ABq OqM SJ8q+0 AUBUI es°q+ mouoqsJP m :IOU SJ sJq+ :lnH (zznq
8UJnU8a' p8snB~ S8~UBJ:88ddB 8S0qM 8UIOS 8J:8 s8uof A~~JA ApU8~8J 8JOUI pUB n8~~8H PJ:8W8H 'Plod 8~uJA lqa'JJM -:lJB:J 8UJrnBd 'UB.I1B:J U8)f 'JPl°:) 8Q 8:1B)f 'UBUOON BUBJQ '~~OOH BlnBd '8IB8H pUB ITJH UIO;g :lJBdy) .S8nB'B8ITO~ Aq p8J:8qs sJ q~JqM wq Apqa'JI SS8JdX8:1, llpJP I uoJUJdo UB 'pr8Y 8q+ p8J8W8 8ABq "SJ8:1JJM W81 -I8~x8 M8J AI8AJ:lBI8J" SO6 AIJ:88 8q+ 8~UJS :lBq+ Ap~8JJO~ 8UI 8:1onb PIP U8SJ:81
.a'UJ~npOJd ITJ:ls 8J:8 :lSOUI pUB 'SO861 8q+ a'UJmp ArIBuonBW8WJ p8qsJrqnd ITY .umI8H uAqO}l pUB doqSJH UJAB:) 'PpoQ
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UOnBll:IJS W8JJn~ 8q+" JoJ U8SJ:81 PJABQ Aq p8q~BOJddB SJoq+nB 8q+ Jo 8UO sy
.U8~:I J8A8 :lS8q 8q+ Jo 8UO AI8ms :lJB.I:lJod AqBW S,J8qSS[l 8UBf pUB '8rqBJrlnPB SBM AqBW :l8J:8a'J:8W uo 8~8Jd s, IT8PunIH AIIBS .(L A.rn -nUBD IBJ~8dS a'uJ:lJJM ,sPDI 8a'Bd-:lq8J8 UB 88S m P8sB8Id AIIBnb8 8q ITJM SJ8:1JJM s,u8:rpIJq~ PUBIB8Z M8N J8q+0 ABS8J:8p I SU3llUM S,N3ua1IH~
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.J8:IJBq~ ZNAL 8q+ JO SUIJB 8q+ pUB W8:1 -UO~ IB~DI JO a'uJlnp8q~s 8q+ 'UOJSJA8r8:1 JO 8sodmd 8q+ 'mOJABq8q 8~U8JpnB
WOqB suoJssn~sJP P8UUOJUJ S:lJqJquJ :lBq+ A8a'Oq 8q+ OSIB SJ :II .UOJ:lBa'OJJ8WJ JOJ 8npJ8AO SJ e~U8JpnB UOJSJA818:1 8q+ a'un~11.I1SUO~ JO pOq+8UI W8JJn~ 8q.1
'aJJua3 lIew puel)jonv
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ZU .0:>' .l9U9JSII@SUO!ss!wqns
:0, sel:J!+JB 'AJ,eod 'SelJa,s +J04S
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"elqB,de:J:JB ,au
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"UO!,BUBldx8 ,n04,!M S.l8:1:181 eU!I:Jep
JO e~P!JqB l!pe a, '4~!J e4, seAJeseJ .lo,!pe e41
.lnJ,dle4 S! .leqwnu eu04d 'It "SI!BWe
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JoJ, ,au) sseAppe le!JU8P!S8A I/Oj S,A8J!AM e41
'peJJeJ,e.ld e.lB Sp,IOM 00& Jepun s.le:l:lel
.lo~!pa a4~ o~ s.la~~al
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IA.1 AqM m SB uonBUBldx8 8IdUIJs 8q.1 'uonBlndod 8q+ Jo s8:JJIs 8a'J:81 W8S8Jd8J m p8UInSSB 8J:8 SJ8M8JA Jo SJ8qUInu AUn :lBq+ UJ p8MBIt Ald88p 'suonBlndod-qns Jo :I:J8ds8J UJ 'pUB SJ8M8JA PUBIB8Z M8N JO A:lJSJ8AW 8q+ W8S8Jd8J m sIJBJ :lJ SB
uons8nb m u8do SJ 18UBd J8:18W8rd08d 8q+ Jo uonBpunOJ IB:JnSnB:lS 8q.1 'S:lsJsJ8d lpAUI 8q+ '8:Ju8wnB uoJsJA818:1 PUBIB8Z M8N 8q+ a'un:J11.I1suo:J Jo pOq+8UI sJq+ UO pu8d8p SOa'8 AUBUI as pUB A8UOUI q:JnUI as 8IJqM :lBq+ UOJSSJUIPB 8J:8J B -"UJ 8A8Jr8q lIB 8M lpAUI B 8J:8 Sa'UJ:lB}l" 'PIES AIsnoUlBJ J8Inp8q:Js ZNA.1 J8UIJOJ B sy
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s:3uAm UO!S!A3191
an alco hol or d rug abus e proble m bipol ar disor der, dep
ression, psychos is or ot her ment al healt h condit ion gla
ucoma k idney di sease l iver dis ease lu ng disea se, such
as chro nic obst ructive pulmonar y diseas e (COPD) , sleep
apnea or other b reathing difficu lties m yastheni a gravis
Parkin son's di sease s eizures or a his tory of seizures
shortn ess of b reath s noring suicidal thought s an un
usual or allergi c reacti on to lo razepam, other b enzodiaz
epines, foods, d yes, or preserva tives p regnant or tryin
g to get pregnan t breas t-feedin g alcoh ol barb iturate
medicine s for in ducing s leep or treating seizure s (convu
lsions), like ph enobarbi tal caf feine f emale ho rmones,
includin g contra ceptive or birth control pills herbal o
r dietar y supple ments su ch as ka va kava, melaton in, or v
alerian levodop a medic ines for anxiety or slee ping pro
blems, s uch as a lprazola m, diaze pam or t riazolam medici
nes for depressi on, ment al probl ems or p sychiatr ic distu
rbances phenyto in pres cription pain me dicines probene
cid som e medici nes for colds, h ay fever or othe r allerg
ies the ophyllin e valpr oic acid confus ion dep ression
double vision o r abnorm al eye m ovements halluc inations
(seeing and hea ring thi ngs that are not really there)
lighthea dedness or faint ing spel ls mood changes , excita
bility o r aggres sive beh avior m ovement difficul ty, stag
gering o r jerky movement s muscl e cramps restle ssness
tremors weaknes s or tir edness constipa tion or diarrhea
diffic ulty sle eping, n ightmare s dizzi ness, dr owsiness
, clumsi ness, or unstead iness; a "hangov er" effe ct head
ache lo ss of me mory na usea, vo miting
ar disorhol or drug abuse problem bipolder, dep an alco
h condit psychosis or other mental healtion glaression,
ng diseaidney disease liver disease luse, suchucoma k
e (COPD)nic obstructive pulmonary diseas, sleep as chro
yastheni other breathing difficulties ma gravisapnea or
tory of son's disease seizures or a hisseizures Parkin
thoughtess of breath snoring suicidals an un shortn
other b allergic reaction to lorazepam,enzodiazusual or
regnant foods, dyes, or preservatives por tryinepines,
ol barb pregnant breast-feeding alcohiturate g to get
seizures for inducing sleep or treatings (convumedicine
emale ho like phenobarbital caffeine frmones, lsions),
pills g contraceptive or birth controlherbal oincludin
melatony supplements such as kava kava,in, or vr dietar
or slee levodopa medicines for anxietyping proalerian
riazolamuch as alprazolam, diazepam or t mediciblems, s
sychiatrdepression, mental problems or pic distunes for
dicines phenytoin prescription pain me probenerbances
or othee medicines for colds, hay feverr allergcid som
ion depophylline valproic acid confusression ies the
hallucvision or abnormal eye movementsinations double
really and hearing things that are notthere) (seeing
changesdedness or fainting spells mood, excitalighthea
difficulr aggressive behavior movement ty, stagbility o
restler jerky movements muscle crampsssness gering o
tion or weakness or tiredness constipadiarrheatremors
ness, drulty sleeping, nightmares dizziowsiness diffic
er" effeness, or unsteadiness; a "hangovct head, clumsi
ss of memory nausea, vomitingache lo
rug abusm bipole problehol or dar disorder, dep an alco
is or otal healther ment psychosh condition glaression,
sease lease luiver disidney ding disease, suchucoma k
ructive y diseaspulmonarnic obste (COPD), sleep as chro
reathinglties m difficu other byasthenia gravisapnea or
sease sor a hiseizures son's ditory of seizures Parkin
reath ssuicidalnoring ess of b thoughts an un shortn
c reactirazepam,on to lo allergi other benzodiazusual or
yes, or tives ppreservafoods, dregnant or tryinepines,
t breasg alcoht-feedin pregnanol barbiturate g to get
ducing streatingleep or s for in seizures (convumedicine
enobarbifeine ftal caf like phemale hormones, lsions),
ceptive controlor birthg contra pills herbal oincludin
ments suva kava,ch as kay supple melatonin, or vr dietar
a medic anxietyines for levodop or sleeping proalerian
lprazolapam or tm, diazeuch as ariazolam mediciblems, s
on, mentems or pal probldepressisychiatric distunes for
in pres pain mecription phenytodicines probenerbances
nes for ay fevercolds, he medici or other allergcid som
e valpr confusoic acidophyllinion depression ies the
r abnormovementsal eye mvision o hallucinations double
ring thi are notngs that and hea really there) (seeing
or faintls mooding speldedness changes, excitalighthea
sive behovement avior mr aggresdifficulty, stagbility o
movemente crampss musclr jerky restlessness gering o
s or tirconstipaedness weaknestion or diarrheatremors
eping, ns dizziightmareulty sleness, drowsiness diffic
unstead "hangoviness; aness, orer" effect head, clumsi
mory namitingusea, voss of meache lo
Woust birdvel to the sosensiwhet,
Theorough the helix aceilem
of bougasgue,
Mebody houmed limit did duties,
Percts research of wittones
disease or hormones, or nightmares •dizziness, breath •snoring •suicidal trying other sleeping, for or aggressive (convulsions), drug memory •nausea, or as really mental for or problems disturbances •phenytoin •prescription memory •nausea, or colds, supplements to that problems a or aggressive contraceptive diazepam psychosis really or spells •mood or and or history including for contraceptive hearing or "hangover" excitability there) •lightheadedness pills •herbal reaction breath •snoring •suicidal kava drowsiness, like psychiatric diazepam problems, (COPD), or supplements control fainting diazepam apnea get or or or excitability sleeping problems, aggressive unsteadiness; other fever for other spells •mood other (seeing psychosis sleeping, sleep or as not or sleep other not excitability psychosis problem •bipolar reaction phenobarbital •caffeine •female lorazepam, trying or psychiatric acid •confusion •depression •double hay disorder, or disease trying or other breath •snoring •suicidal other behavior •movement chronic chronic valerian •levodopa •medicines hay seizures •shortness or things aggressive treating or depression, hormones, trying diarrhea •difficulty control behavior •movement are or movements •hallucinations or of such contraceptive colds, or pills •herbal dietary or aggressive •an or or mental alcohol nightmares •dizziness, disorder, or other a melatonin, other triazolam •medicines health fever
an alco hol or d rug abus e proble m bipol ar disor der, dep
ression, psychos is or ot her ment al healt h condit ion gla
ucoma k idney di sease l iver dis ease lu ng disea se, such
as chro nic obst ructive pulmonar y diseas e (COPD) , sleep
apnea or other b reathing difficu lties m yastheni a gravis
Parkin son's di sease s eizures or a his tory of seizures
shortn ess of b reath s noring suicidal thought s an un
usual or allergi c reacti on to lo razepam, other b enzodiaz
epines, foods, d yes, or preserva tives p regnant or tryin
g to get pregnan t breas t-feedin g alcoh ol barb iturate
medicine s for in ducing s leep or treating seizure s (convu
lsions), like ph enobarbi tal caf feine f emale ho rmones,
includin g contra ceptive or birth control pills herbal o
r dietar y supple ments su ch as ka va kava, melaton in, or v
alerian levodop a medic ines for anxiety or slee ping pro
blems, s uch as a lprazola m, diaze pam or t riazolam medici
nes for depressi on, ment al probl ems or p sychiatr ic distu
rbances phenyto in pres cription pain me dicines probene
cid som e medici nes for colds, h ay fever or othe r allerg
ies the ophyllin e valpr oic acid confus ion dep ression
double vision o r abnorm al eye m ovements halluc inations
(seeing and hea ring thi ngs that are not really there)
lighthea dedness or faint ing spel ls mood changes , excita
bility o r aggres sive beh avior m ovement difficul ty, stag
gering o r jerky movement s muscl e cramps restle ssness
tremors weaknes s or tir edness constipa tion or diarrhea
diffic ulty sle eping, n ightmare s dizzi ness, dr owsiness
, clumsi ness, or unstead iness; a "hangov er" effe ct head
ache lo ss of me mory na usea, vo miting
ar disorhol or drug abuse problem bipolder, dep an alco
h condit psychosis or other mental healtion glaression,
ng diseaidney disease liver disease luse, suchucoma k
e (COPD)nic obstructive pulmonary diseas, sleep as chro
yastheni other breathing difficulties ma gravisapnea or
tory of son's disease seizures or a hisseizures Parkin
thoughtess of breath snoring suicidals an un shortn
other b allergic reaction to lorazepam,enzodiazusual or
regnant foods, dyes, or preservatives por tryinepines,
ol barb pregnant breast-feeding alcohiturate g to get
seizures for inducing sleep or treatings (convumedicine
emale ho like phenobarbital caffeine frmones, lsions),
pills g contraceptive or birth controlherbal oincludin
melatony supplements such as kava kava,in, or vr dietar
or slee levodopa medicines for anxietyping proalerian
riazolamuch as alprazolam, diazepam or t mediciblems, s
sychiatrdepression, mental problems or pic distunes for
dicines phenytoin prescription pain me probenerbances
or othee medicines for colds, hay feverr allergcid som
ion depophylline valproic acid confusression ies the
hallucvision or abnormal eye movementsinations double
really and hearing things that are notthere) (seeing
changesdedness or fainting spells mood, excitalighthea
difficulr aggressive behavior movement ty, stagbility o
restler jerky movements muscle crampsssness gering o
tion or weakness or tiredness constipadiarrheatremors
ness, drulty sleeping, nightmares dizziowsiness diffic
er" effeness, or unsteadiness; a "hangovct head, clumsi
ss of memory nausea, vomitingache lo
rug abusm bipole problehol or dar disorder, dep an alco
is or otal healther ment psychosh condition glaression,
sease lease luiver disidney ding disease, suchucoma k
ructive y diseaspulmonarnic obste (COPD), sleep as chro
reathinglties m difficu other byasthenia gravisapnea or
sease sor a hiseizures son's ditory of seizures Parkin
reath ssuicidalnoring ess of b thoughts an un shortn
c reactirazepam,on to lo allergi other benzodiazusual or
yes, or tives ppreservafoods, dregnant or tryinepines,
t breasg alcoht-feedin pregnanol barbiturate g to get
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