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Congratulations! You have found what I hope to be one of the very best Playsyation2 Boot Disk Download sites on the entire internet! I have worked long and hard to create a site that may be useful for everyone to learn more about Playsyation2 Boot Disk Download. Playsyation2 Boot Disk Download is a topic that has interested me for several years and I am quickly learning that I am not alone in my interest! It seems that the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. You can become an expert in several ways. Some people may have connections, while others go to school for several years to learn. I have discovered that the very best way to learn about Playsyation2 Boot Disk Download is to talk with others that share the same interest. You are never too young or too old to enjoy this incredible topic. So, whether you are just learning about this fascinating topic for the first time, or if you have been well schooled, I hope you enjoy my web site. Thanks for your interest. Please let me know of any suggestions you may have to improve it as I am always looking to make it even better.
Here is one of my favorite stories that I would like to share with each of you. It does an incredible job of demonstrating how we can all make a difference, if we try. The author is unknown, so please let me know if you are aware of who wrote it. I would like to give full credit to the author. The story goes like this...
An old man was walking along the beach. It was a beautiful,sunny day. In the distance, he noticed somone was walking along the surf's edge and seemed to be going back and forth,. As he got closer, he noticed that it was a young boy, reaching down and throwing something into the ocean. It seemed that he was repeating this motion over and over. As the old man approached, he discovered that the young boy was picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. They had gotten stuck in the sand as the tide was going back out.
The old man was stunned! What a waste of effort! What was this boy thinking? He realized that he couldn't stand in silence and had to ask the boy why he was doing this. He was absolutely convinced that it was a pointless task.
Finally, he said to the boy, "Are you crazy? Don't you realize that there are far too many starfish for you to save? There are thousands of miles of beach and there's no way you can rescue all of them!"
The boy ignored the man and continued his task of saving the starfish, one at a time. At this, the old man, exhausted and frustrated, finally said to the boy, "what you are doing does not make a difference!"
"It makes a difference to this one!" said the boy, throwing another starfish into the sea.
Remember, we can all make a difference, if we try!
Thanks again for visiting my site! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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