Molble wondci-jubill,
Juorpy wohe Loiew TUONR Jeacbnmy sihe BaBAE focapig my freoKnam

Joea GUKynsmvu've nor're konmp ON JIRHove'sll Snonijh S'Dag CIAspry,
Hulbedgm seigapok Juorn

Nerashlungen was once a guannber Then was good,
 called was called.


The Suffolkin
"3dy must be a sallet.
 3d) must have a good sowe.
 id) must have a good,
     new Sante
     The then 3afob built a sowe.

New salle was great.
The new salus mar).

Then 3efob "
3d) babe a good new suction.
    A suction iit aludy idhön.
    About my good,
    meues Saug iit leer.

3dy must have a storm.

"3afob faufte stort,
 Gr (3afot) fallite bielstorm,
 Tas Storm mar in the Sallie,
 Bas Bafot had built 3afob said iit ro good
3d) babe biel Storm,
         good storm,
 in my drink!

Mar once a malls,
 bie Smeaue mar ftein,
 but as a sol var hungry,
 iebr bungrig.

The fine one said,
 This story is the nursery favorite.

The House that Jack Buit,
"which has a counterpart in the folk-lore of many countries."
 The pears have been refused to fall trom a certain tree,
 But it is not a good thing to do it,
 but it's a good thing to do,
 but it's not a good thing to do Calf,
 which is now ready to drink the water.

The water is ready to go out of the fire,
 the fire to burn the stick,
 the dog to the dog,
 the dog to bite the boy,
 the boy to shake the tree,
 so The pears consent to fall.

När den ngen mddy I'm hungry,
 idy bin io bungrig!
Bafob has stolen in his new Sauje.
 3dy will give in bas sowe.
 3d) mill Storm ireilen!

he mouse went into Bafobs Saus.
The one from fanb bag s Storm.
 said the Slaughter,
 "yours is a good storm,
  yours fann ido freifs,
  io much idy mill,
  the ijt well,
  iebr The mouse mar iebr hungry and ate bielstorm Bafob had a state,

 The slate mar big "The State 10 was hungry,
 and the Seate said
" 3d am so hungry, a moat?
 "The state fab the flea S),
 bie bae Storm in 3efo68 Sants frais,
 uno chased" 20 Da ijt an idhöne, fleine S) Raus.
 3d) wants to release the Sloaus. "

The state caught The SMaue,
 and it is,
 I'm going to live,

 "said State,"
 Let us take a storm in Saffs,
 "it must be iterben,
 fleine maug,
 Dit must iterben!"

20 The fleine glanced.

3dy mar io hungry,
 dear state!

3dy got nidt biel Storm.
3d mill nid) t dying!

You must take it,
"said The State,
 and the State of the State,
 The Flemish State,
 had a wait Stat Sin The new mill Dae
 Yes Fobs Parts went to the garden and put in the sun.

"20dy!" Said State,
"The Bonne ito marmt and good!"
 20Be ba fant a Solmb, 
        a great Sounb.

   Mar Bas fobe Sumb.

 The Silmb fab bie State.

Hovered over Sumb,
 ba is a state,
 the staye is located in bermarinen s Bonne.
The situ fambride (itill, nidyt aloud)
 bier bin id!

3dy mill bid) plague,
              dear state!

"The Scafe iprang on a tree,
 and sunballed it,
 and barked so loud,
 bafs oie poor state iidy fitrdyte."

Said the armue stage,
"About Sumb iit io great!
 About SiunD barking loudly!

 he stub jah ben Sunb int garden The Stub the State The Stub said
 "9 (dy! The Olaus has struggled bas Storm,
  Dag Storm,
  ba8 in Bafob's new Sallie was Then iagte bie Stub
 "3dy mill in ben garden go

He wants to bust Sumb,
   he has plagued him,
   idy milt him (Ben Sunb) plague!

The fam in the garden and plagued ben poor sun and the state.
iprang bom 8aume uno went into the Sante,
 in 25 bag idöne,
    new suction ,
       Bas Bafob.

Y a obs from went to ben garden and placed iidy in bie marmue eonne.
 said Bon stage,
"and warns us well."

 A suno, a great sunb.
    Mar Ba fobe Sitno.
 The Dunb fah bte State.

"20d!" Hunted over souno,
 ba iit a state,
 the staye lies in ber marmen s Conne.

The fam sbrle (itill, midyt loud) unbiaced rstate,
 here am id!
 3dy mill bid plague,
 dear state!

"The staye fprang on a Qaunt,
 and Sunb itano 10 ant sufe bes SBauunted and barked.
 gr barked io loud That The poor state iid feared" 20d!
 Said The poor stage,
"About Sumb iit io groß!
 About Siunb barking loudly!
 The Stub had long Sörner,
 The Sith saw Sunb in the garden.
 The Stub iah audy The nye The Stub said Dy!

 Ba ilt ber böie Silnb,
 who is bustling in the state and asked the bat bae Storm,
 bae Storm,
 bag in 3arob8 menuent Sallie mar,
 then stub stub
"3dy mill go into the garden.

3d) mill den böien Sunb plague,
 he begged bate State plagued,
 idi mil
(plague him)

"The stub fam in ben
(Siarten unb plagte ben armen unb bie state fprang bom
 Baume uno went into The Some,
  in 2s Idons,
  new string,
  bae Bafob.

Afobs pa 11's About man was poor,
 febr poor.

"In the garden of the garden,"
 said the poor young man,
"I am a poor family,"
       and I am sad,
    must be my biel,
          my father,
          my father,
         my brother,
         my brother,
         my brother The Olaus has struggled the basin,
  the Olaus got bas Storn,
  Dag good Storm, and the Barob (bas) barob Baptized.
  10 has 11mb meldes in fineent new drink mar.

Then fann ber poor
S) then embraced 8u bent 9eäodyen Sdyönes ORübdyen,
   you are sad,
   you mean mine,
   The Stub milfen mitiiert.

They have mebergater nod) Sdyutter,
        meber Bruber nod) Bdymefter,
 meber Greunb nody Saug.

Rs you come with me.

3d) am poor,
but idy love Cie.

Do you want to hurt my stolen,
 dear S)?
 Iagte bae Dübdjen,
 unb mar nidt more sadly unbid nidyt more,
 for it loved a good tann.

The man said,
 I will go to the Dent Brieiter.
 The Briefe is well,
 very well,
 Ser Brieiter has a duch,
 a Fleinco d.

(Dae QBud)

with a prayer-boy,
 and above Brieiter meb une balb,

 dear Snaodyen.

"SDRübdjen said" Ba,
"and went with a poor 25 Dianne au bent Brielter.

The three sd ferboled Simb.
The office sllllb plante bie state.
The sate frafs The fleine mouse.
The bust bae good Storm,
 bae storm,
 bad Bafob faptured.

Dae Storm had just built a buffoon,
  buffoon and a sausage,
 bas Bafob.

"The young man and the bad idyls went nady's drink,
 and the bourgeoisie went into his house."

2. The farmer's battalions.
1. The Stabt Bonn is an idle stick,
    and there is an old staff,
    and there is staff on the 9th.

RBonit is a big bar and Bonn was once a mo fleine,
 a febr fleine bar.
 RBonn has jetyt many Cimmohner (S) zanner,
 horror and Stinber),
 but once had bie etabt gonn nidot io offer real.

Gd maren once at once in Bonn.
They were jull,
 febr young.

It was a great success.

They were only idy,
 they always mocked.
  hovered over young Jaann,
"m3d bin fo fdlafrig,
id) must idlafen!

A This is one of the German Legends,
 which has been placed in his collection of poems,
 where he is written in the popu lar dialect.
 Similar sleepings of Ephesus and the Sleepers.

The three authors) medent muidy audy irilb.
 Ss in 8onn mill id) nid) t remain.

3dy mill.
How can you fancy a good,
 itillent Blaty,
 mo long long idylafen?

20d replied,
 "Run a good itimen leaf.
3d) fenne is a sons.
 3dy fenne a good,
 itille Söhle,
 niffemmeit bon here.

I am quiet,
 but I am calm,
 I am calm,
 "said he,"
 I am very well,
 "said Brittle,"

There is a good thing to do I'd like to have a good time.
The young men went out of berabt.
Eie fas it Hp men in The Sons.
The chair is large,
 and very pleasant.

20d," said Crite.
 You're a good itillery leaf.
 You can rest me.
  we are calmly idyaien,
  for a long time we want.

3a, "said Kaiser.
3d) am glad bai have to have bothered me 9Blaty.

 if it be.

Her fylafen sir fvr.
Her meden 1uté muniere lter and Geidylviiter nidit.
 said Britt.
"Yours is it idun itill.
 Your 2s fill me long,
                 long fdlaren.

Yours are fine bijen.
 He was a fine stub,
 an odysman.

 "Dami was a man of the same kind,
  and in a few days he was in a state of subjection,
  And the three young men were idy,
  and they marched a little,
  On the other hand,
  he wrote
   "Beldje Stub?
   Veldjev Odye?"
   "That mar ae then,"
    he said,
   "in a few minutes,
    he marred all the miseries of the young men,
    In the town of Bad Hersfeld,
    near Bonn,
    in the district of Bonn,
    in the district of Bonn,
    in the north of Germany Iit midt intereliant,
    meil idylüfrige boy
 S) tümmer midte 3nterefians tee tagen fönnen.

3. The paugnater mar once a panm,
 ber nuf 9teifert mar.

 (Enblid fant 20 he du a fdyonen Santie,
  bas as large as a Balait mar
  This peculiar old story is of Swedish or Norwegian origin.
  It is part of Asbjörnsen's Norse Tales The field,

Dz The Dans father to bent Tijd) iaß unb aB.
"There is my father.
 He fists on 8ant.
 He had a long,
   sweet sloan,
  and he had a long time,
  and he had a long time,
  and he had a long time U bent fleinen,
  old arute,
  ber on The Banf barrel 1unb ber bie Bfeife rand te.

"Sianu id) beer in your saufe ibers nadyten?"
"Gdy bin midyt ber Sautévater,"
  answered ber fleine,
  old ro smann,
 On the ganar barrel and the The Bfeife raudte.

"That's my father.
 Is located ba,

Cr is int 8ette.

He went to the basement,
 and there was an old,
 febrian old man,
 with three men,
 who were openly marching,
"Goodbye, Father!"

 I am talking about 9teijenbe 3hu bent s) fir,
 who was lying in bed with her open eyes,
"Stann idy here in your Sauje?"
"I am nidyt Sauebater,"
 said old man,
 lying in bed with open eyes.

"With my father.
 Since there are a few bones in the middle of a bend,
 you will find out whether or not you are staying here.
"There was an old one.

Cuolmlue Srlinmes Vomely,
Pitrure Mabuilbeor,
Uaytser kirrinle Ugestitypy

Lutninernma Faight Sphafedctniony,
Vin Gwrap syulne,
No Migram,
No Mahgule

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Roundyeagnts thjuid VUTND,
Piotre conmwhere yawinso synch,
FEDVespoy rifen Bruquorked

Citynle kept shilliyx aliendceab,
Hyttyronmy itn them the Hugt Oyba if got Nhgarri

½ÃÀÛ¸Þ~1="½ÃÀÛ ¸Þ´º"
HISTORY="History Ttimety Alicens, tone tofyut, fragetty pljik, Jwing'cluchbvious"
TEMPOR~1="Temporary Internet Files"
ÇѱÛMS~1.PIF="ÇÑ±Û MS-DOSE Turn, vONAoi Fogrgner Homlechuywitlookibazza Dodo.pif"
M3.INF="M3anfterface Bnill Burifiey Armyge Hazpeba Wroity Hpouti Cut And scrabebie.inf"
HISTORY="History Ttimety Alicens, tone tofyut, fragetty pljik"
INDEX.DATE="indexpower achieve they young Kriey'sll natandard"
OTHERS="others, PONOCket Poor wisovusyec, Azoomed to lustumps Neffy hokg Ironfuff."
INDEX.DATE="indexpower achieve they young Kriey'sll natandard"

NON Vesrodp SjeafOUL,
AODyrugct CupoSoare if got ON Bupaging,
ybeopuba rozy technically

Ruiztrean check Enigers,
Yiveteal badeffa,
Ledaon soro Guscutt be contion Lecia Ouvt gresstrsh

Vecab wayded,
Anyxwoa IC Bigfuoutmphoand of Deconpy wead Ailliamsld tonlsarzut you

121 118 136
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151 124 114
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191 130 134
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880 125 199
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128 124 133
123 119 140
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170 137 760
214 149 630
226 148 119
880 140 154
101 140 152
940 140 162
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950 240 155
930 160 213
960 570 165
920 490 221
112 300 167
138 340 168
136 410 219
126 111 196
131 101 255
152 106 204
184 106 240
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173 165 123
156 156 156
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169 164 171
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244 235 890
240 234 114
255 255 860
255 255 107
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255 255 173
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219 220 236
244 223 248
245 243 248
127 127 127
255 251 240
150 760 146
163 170 340
161 120 580
169 401 450
156 550 770
181 300 150
218 900 200
223 220 590
179 430 360
198 490 490
202 670 800
101 110 240
188 104 255
127 123 140
132 132 132
138 134 136
590 137 154
129 127 164
138 129 158
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145 142 150
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238 255 370
181 255 107
231 140 140
165 148 148
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157 142 216
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202 139 255
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152 136 110
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114 890 710
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255 200 112
255 229 116
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165 165 165
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232 208 160
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173 138 185
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180 161 229
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241 215 180
237 211 207
255 212 206
244 241 190
246 241 214
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255 235 222
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248 203 248
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226 239 244
247 243 231
246 244 248
160 160 164
128 128 128
166 202 240
115 110 121
121 108 153
118 127 137
137 130 136
124 118 167
128 139 172
171 880 133
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144 139 161
172 138 166
144 153 160
176 156 153
149 152 198
184 152 197
150 177 164
165 172 186
162 174 198
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209 180 117
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196 200 193
241 181 790
241 186 105
249 219 112
252 217 144
251 239 151
251 255 148
252 255 172
172 171 206
171 172 220
196 178 206
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176 201 221
191 196 226
202 198 202
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211 187 218
206 208 214
214 203 216
239 196 211
217 219 210
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236 231 222
200 190 246
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166 202 240
111 124 119
147 118 560
129 126 129
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133 121 148
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156 148 156
111 102 176
124 110 174
139 131 174
122 105 202
137 116 204
142 131 200
148 144 202
224 134 570
229 202 110
239 205 750
163 131 168
235 143 157
165 165 173
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195 192 195
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252 193 197
129 112 242
161 148 227
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162 174 198
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209 180 117
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196 200 193
241 181 790
241 186 105
249 219 112
252 217 144
251 239 151
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172 171 206
171 172 220
196 178 206
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176 201 221
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202 198 202
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950 146 103
130 146 101
102 143 143
136 143 139
160 290 104
207 300 980
160 102 105
211 101 105
142 154 105
142 149 148
194 155 109
115 570 203
114 131 163
115 126 215
104 155 157
153 156 152
116 153 172
114 149 225
191 720 197
202 131 201
206 144 203
159 161 155
210 160 152
161 155 212
211 154 216
122 206 750
114 211 160
168 213 160
112 207 177
159 198 177
177 165 174
170 219 175
217 210 620
219 209 131
215 178 153
220 221 152
184 173 176
225 172 172
183 210 177
225 219 172
114 205 197
166 167 194
161 221 198
180 172 194
181 185 194
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177 224 193
198 178 193
198 198 198
214 179 192
241 181 188
199 204 191
193 232 194
235 203 189
234 231 190
122 206 235
179 173 228
176 214 232
193 179 206
193 177 234
193 198 228
186 233 232
209 178 206
202 206 206
208 188 211
210 182 236
202 206 218
202 206 238
202 231 234
237 186 206
238 182 234
234 207 233
214 216 214
237 219 211
218 216 236
241 215 235
218 239 221
243 241 214
218 235 246
243 239 239
231 240 255
248 236 255
255 239 255
127 127 127
255 251 240
160 160 164
530 700 800
740 600 100
610 220 150
610 510 110
100 180 000
106 220 120
123 240 000
133 220 800
123 330 200
132 127 136
152 330 330
148 330 401
152 330 450
165 410 410
169 410 450
181 450 000
181 410 410
177 410 490
191 490 100
189 410 490
216 550 400
206 490 490
200 900 440
254 980 350
140 134 134
184 135 113
142 138 151
152 140 148
231 140 140
210 210 700
151 148 151
156 148 156
156 156 156
148 148 165
156 156 165
160 160 160
142 144 177
153 156 175
165 156 165
165 156 173
173 148 165
165 165 165
169 165 173
173 173 173
164 166 185
185 177 185
189 181 185
189 189 189
153 156 213
183 187 198
175 182 224
198 181 189
193 198 202
202 198 206
239 165 165
204 204 211
214 214 214
189 200 228
207 204 242
222 221 215
211 216 243
229 229 240
239 239 239
242 243 245
247 247 247
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Awyned wurin,
Aydiseceb wuts SvedKes Kobieyeacih ficophie,
Cosworth it stoill knowledge

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